
Dictionary of the Bible


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In its times of greatest prosperity, Alexandria tiad a population of between 800,000 and 1,000,000. Trade, amusement, and learning attracted to it inhabitants from every quarter. It was an amalgam of East and West. The alertness and versatility of the Greek were here united with the gravity, conservativeness, and dreaminess of the Oriental. Alexandria became, next to Rome, the largest and most splendid city in the world. Amongst its polyglot community, the Jews formed no inconsiderable portion. Jewish colonists had settled in Egypt in large numbers after the destruc-tion of Jerusalem (Jer 42'"), and during the Persian period their numbers greatly increased. The Ptolemys, with one exception, favoured them, and assigned a special quarter of the city to them. More than an eighth of the population of Egypt was Jewish. Their business instincts brought to them the bulk of the trade of the country. They practically controlled the vast export of wheat. Some had great ships with which they traded over all the Mediterranean. St. Paul twice sailed in a ship of Alexandria (Ac 27' 28"). The Jews were under their own governor or 'Alabarch,' and observed their own domestic and religious customs. Their great central synagogue was an immense and most imposing structure, where all the trade guilds sat together, and the 70 elders were accommodated in 70 splendidly bejewelled chairs of state.

It was in Alexandria that one of the most important events in the history of religion took place, when. the Hebrew Scriptures were translated into the Greek tongue. The legendary tales narrated by Josephus re-garding the accomplishment of this task may be dis-missed as baseless. But it is undisputed that during the reigns of the earlier LagidEe (somewhere between B.C. 250 and 132) the ' Septuagint ' made its appearance. It is certainly not the product of a syndicate of trans-lators working harmoniously, as Jewish tradition asserted. The work is of very unequal merit, the Penta-teuch being the best done, while some of the later books are wretchedly translated. The translation was re-garded by the Jews with mingled feelings, execrated by one section as the grossest desecration of the holy oracles, extolled by another section as the means by which the beauties of the Law and the Prophets could be appreciated for the first time by the Greek-speaking Gentile world. The LXX became, under God's provi-dence, a most valuable preparation for the truths of Christianity. It familiarized the heathen nations with the God of righteousness as He had been revealed to the Jewish race. It paved the way for the gospel. It formed the Bible of the early Church. In the Eastern Church to-day it is the only orthodox text of the OT.

The wars of the Ptolemys with the Seieucidae at Antioch are described in Dn 11. Ptolemyii. Philaddphus left his mark on Palestine in the cities of Philadelphia ( = Rabbath-ammon, Dt 3"), Ptolemais (Ac 21' = Aceo, Jg 1''), Philoteria, etc. Under Ptolemy iii. Euergetes i. (B.C. 247-222) the famous 'stele of Canopus' was in-scribed. With Ptolemy iv. Philopatar the dynasty began to decline, and his oppressions of the Jews (largely mythical) are narrated in 3 Maccabees. Under Ptolemy V. Epiphanes the Alexandrian supremacy over Palestine was exchanged for that of Antiochus in. the Great (Dn 11"-"). In his reign the celebrated ' Rosetta stone' was erected. The ten succeeding Ptolemys were dis-tinguished for almost nothing but their effeminacy, folly, luxury, and cruelty. The city increased in wealth, but sank more and more in political power. Julius Caesar stormed Alexandria in B.C. 47, and after a brief spell of false splendour under Cleopatra, it fell after the battle of Actium into the hands of the Romans, and its fortunes were henceforth merged with those of the Empire.

But while its political power was thus passing away. It was developing an intellectual greatness destined to exercise a profound influence through succeeding centuries. Among its Jewish population there had

arisen a new school which sought to amalgamate Hebrew tradition and Greek philosophy, and to make the OT yield up Platonic and Stoic doctrines. This attempted fusion of Hebraism and Hellenism was begun by Aristobulus, and reached its climax in Philo, a contem-porary of Jesus Christ. The Jews found in the Gentile writings many beautiful and excellent thoughts. They could logically defend their own proud claim to be the sole depositaries and custodians of Divine truth only by asserting that every rich and luminous Greek expres-sion was borrowed from their Scriptures. Plato and Pythagoras, they declared, were deeply in debt to Moses. The Greeks were merely reproducers of Hebrew ethics, and Hebrew religious and moral conceptions. The next step was to re-write their own Scriptures in terms of Greek philosophy, and the most simple way of doing this was by an elaborate system of allegory. Philo carried the allegorizing of the OT to such an extent that he was able to deduce all the spurious philosophy he required from the most matter-of-fact narratives of the patriarchs and their wives. But it was a false issue. It was based on a logical figment, and Philo's voluminous works, gifted and learned though he was, merely reveal that there was no hope either for Greek philosophy or for Hebrew religious development along these lines. The results of the allegorical method of interpretation, however, were seen in Christian Church history. We read of a ' synagogue of the Alexandrians ' in Jerusalem, furiously hostile to St. Stephen with his plain declara-tion of facts (Ac 6'). Apollos of Alexandria (Ac IS''-^^) needed to be ' more accurately instructed ' in Christian doctrine, though we have no direct evidence that he was a disciple of Philo. The Ep. to the Hebrews shows traces of Alexandrian influence, and there are evidences that St. Paul was not unfamiliar with Alexandrian hermeneutics and terminology (cf. Gal 4w-'i). But there is no proof that St. Paul ever visited Alex- andria. He seems to have refrained from going thither because the gospel had already reached the city (cf. Ro 15^°). Eusebius credits St. Mark with the intro-duction of Christianity into Egypt. In the 2nd and 3rd cents. Alexandria was the intellectual capital of Christendom. The Alexandrian school of theology was made lustrous by the names of Pantaenus, Clement, and especially Origen, who, while continuing the allegorical tradition, strove to show that Christian doctrine en-shrined and realized the dreams and yearnings of Greek philosophy. The evil tendencies of the method found expression in the teachings of the Alexandrian heretics, Basilides and Valentinian. Alexandria became more and more the stronghold of the Christian faith. Here Athanasius defended contra mundum the true Divinity of Christ in the Nieene controversy, and the city's influence on Christian theology has been profound. In A.D. 641, Alexandria fell before Amrou; in the 7th cent, it began to decline. The creation of Cairo was another blow, and the discovery in 1497 of the new route to the East via the Cape of Good Hope almost destroyed its trade. At the beginning of the 19th cent. Alexandria was a mere village. To-day it is again a large and flourishing city, with a rapidly increasing population of over 200,000, and its port is one of the busiest on the Mediterranean shore. G. A. Frank Knight.

ALGUM.— See Almug.

ALIAH.— A 'duke' of Edom (1 Ch 1"); called in Gn 36" Alvah.

ALIAN.— A descendant of Esau (1 Ch 1"); called in Gn 3623 Alvan.

ALIEN. See Nations, Stbangek.

ALLAMMELECH.— A town of Asher, probably near Acco (Jos 1926). Site unidentifled.

ALLAB (1 Es 6^).— One of the leaders of those Jews who could not show their pedigree as Israelites at the return from captivity under Zerubbabel. The name