was
to
be
a
metropolis,
second
to
none
for
beauty,
and
Greek
art
and
Greek
religion
were
to
be
the
uniform
rule
throughout
all
his
dominions.
To
the
three
quarters
already
existing
he
added
a
fourth,
which
earned
for
Antioch
the
title
'
Tetrapolis.'
Here
he
erected
a
Senate
House,
a
temple
to
Jupiter
Capitolinus
on
one
of
the
eminences
of
Mt.
Silpius,
and
a
strong
citadel
on
another
spur
of
the
mountains
that
surround
the
city.
From
B.
to
W.
of
Antioch
he
laid
out
a
splendid
corso
with
double
colonnades,
which
ran
for
miles
in
a
straight
line.
In
wet
weather
the
populace
could
walk
from
end
to
end
under
cover.
Trees,
flowers,
and
fountains
adorned
the
promenade;
and
poets
sang
of
the
beauty
of
the
statue
of
Apollo
and
of
the
Nymphaeum
which
he
erected
near
the
river.
To
avert
the
anger
of
the
gods
during
a
season
of
pestilence,
he
ordered
the
sculptor
Leios
to
hew
Mt.
Silpius
into
one
vast
statue
of
Charon,
the
infernal
ferryman.
It
frowned
over
the
city,
and
was
named
the
Charonlum.
Epiphanes'
policy
of
Hellenizing
Palestine
evoked
the
determined
opposition
of
the
Maccabees,
and
in
the
wars
whicli
ensued
his
forces
suffered
many
defeats,
though
the
injuries
and
atrocities
he
committed
in
Jerusalem
were
unspeakable.
With
Antiochus
Epiphanes
died
the
grandeur
of
the
Syrian
throne.
Succeeding
princes
exercised
only
a
very
moderate
influence
over
the
fortunes
of
Palestine,
and
the
palmy
days
of
Antioch
as
a
centre
of
political
power
were
gone
for
ever.
The
city
was
the
scene
of
many
a
bloody
conflict
in
the
years
of
the
later
Seleucidse,
as
usurper
after
usurper
tried
to
wade
through
blood
to
the
throne,
and
was
shortly
after
overcome
by
some
rival.
In
several
of
these
struggles
the
Jews
took
part,
and
as
the
power
of
Antioch
waned,
the
strength
and
practical
in-dependence
of
the
Jewish
Hasmonaean
princes
increased.
In
B.C.
all
Syria
passed
into
the
hands
of
Tigranes,
king
of
Armenia,
who
remained
master
of
Antioch
for
years.
When
Tigranes
was
overwhelmed
by
the
Romans,
Pompey
put
an
end
to
the
Seleucid
dynasty,
and
the
line
of
Antiochene
monarchs
expired
in
b.c.
65.
The
strong
Pax
Romana
gave
new
vigour
to
the
city.
Antioch
was
made
a
free
city,
and
became
the
seat
of
the
prefect
and
the
capital
of
the
Roman
province
of
Syria.
Mark
Antony
ordered
the
release
of
all
the
Jews
in
it
enslaved
during
the
recent
disturbances,
and
the
restoration
of
their
property.
As
a
reward
for
Antioch's
fidelity
to
him,
Julius
Csesar
built
a
splendid
basilica,
the
Ccesareum,
and
gave,
besides,
a
new
aqueduct,
theatre,
and
public
baths.
Augustus,
Agrippa,
Herod
the
Great,
Tiberius,
and,
later,
Antoninus
Pius,
all
greatly
embellished
the
city,
contributing
many
new
and
striking
architectural
features.
The
ancient
walls
were
rebuilt
to
the
height
of
50-60
ft.,
with
a
thickness
at
the
top
of
ft.,
and
surmounted
by
gigantic
towers.
The
vast
rampart
was
carried
across
ravines
up
the
mountain
slope
to
the
very
summit
of
the
hills
which
overlook
the
city.
Antioch
seemed
thus
to
be
defended
by
a
mountainous
bulwark,
miles
in
circuit.
Earthquakes
have
in
later
ages
demolished
these
walls,
though
some
of
the
Roman
castles
are
still
standing.
When
Christianity
reached
Antioch,
it
was
a
great
city
of
over
500,000
inhabitants,
called
the
'Queen
of
the
East,'
the
'Third
Metropolis
of
the
Roman
Empire.'
In
'
Antioch
the
Beautiful
'
there
was
to
be
found
every-thing
which
Italian
wealth,
Greek
sstheticism,
and
Oriental
luxury
could
produce.
The
ancient
writers,
however,
are
unanimous
in
describing
the
city
as
one
of
the
foulest
and
most
depraved
in
the
world.
Cosmo-politan
in
disposition,
the
citizens
acted
as
if
they
were
emancipated
from
every
law,
human
or
Divine.
Licen-tiousness,
superstition,
quackery,
indecency,
every
fierce
and
base
passion,
were
displayed
by
the
populace;
their
skill
in
coining
scurrilous
verses
was
notorious,
their
sordid,
fickle,
turbulent,
and
insolent
ways
rendered
the
name
of
Antioch
a
byword
for
all
that
was
wicked.
Their
brilliance
and
energy,
so
praised
by
Cicero,
were
balanced
by
an
incurable
levity
and
shameless
disregard
for
the
first
principles
of
morality.
So
infamous
was
the
grove
of
Daphne,
five
miles
out
of
the
city,
filled
with
shrines
to
Apollo,
Venus,
Isis,
etc.,
and
crowded
with
theatres,
baths,
taverns,
and
dancing
saloons,
that
soldiers
de-tected
there
were
punished
and
dismissed
the
Imperial
service,
'Daphnic
morals'
became
a
proverb.
Juvenal
could
find
no
more
forcible
way
of
describing
the
pollu-tions
of
Rome
than
by
saying,
'
The
Orontes
has
flowed
into
the
Tiber.'
In
this
Vanity
Fair
the
Jews
were
resident
in
large
numbers,
yet
they
exerted
little
or
no
Influence
on
the
morals
of
the
city.
We
hear,
however,
of
one
Nicolas,
a
proselyte
of
Antioch
(Ac
6'),
and
there
may
have
been
more.
But
after
the
death
of
St.
Stephen,
Christian
fugitives
from
persecution
fled
as
far
north
as
Antioch,
began
to
preach
to
the
Greeks
there
(Ac
11"),
and
a
great
number
believed.
So
great
was
the
work
that
the
Jerus.
Church
sent
Barnabas
to
assist,
who,
finding
that
more
help
was
needed,
sought
out
and
fetched
Saul
from
Tarsus.
There
they
continued
a
year,
and
built
up
a
strong
Church.
Antioch
had
the
honour
of
being
the
birthplace
of
(1)
the
name
'Christian'
(Ac
ll'*),
and
(2)
of
foreign
missions.
From
this
city
Paul
and
Barnabas
started
on
their
first
missionary
journey
(Ac
13i-i),
and
to
Antioch
they
returned
at
the
end
of
the
tour
(Ac
14™).
The
second
journey
was
begun
from
and
ended
at
Antioch
(Ac
15^-"
18");
and
the
city
was
again
the
starting-point
of
the
third
tour
(Ac
IS'!^).
The
Antiochene
Church
contributed
liberally
to
the
poor
saints
in
Jerus.
during
the
famine
(Ac
ll^'-'D).
Here
also
the
dispute
regarding
the
circumcision
of
Gentile
converts
broke
out
(Ac
15'-"),
and
here
Paul
withstood
Peter
for
his
inconsistency
(Gal
2"
-21).
After
the
fall
of
Jerusalem,
Antioch
became
the
true
centre
of
Christianity.
gate
still
bears
the
name
of
'St.
Paul's
Gate.'
It
was
from
Antioch
that
Ignatius
set
out
on
his
march
to
martyrdom
at
Rome.
The
city
claimed
as
its
natives
John
Chrysostom,
Ammianus
Marcellinus,
Evagrius,
and
Libanius.
From
A.
D.
252-380
Antioch
wasthesceneof
ten
Church
Councils.
The
Patriarch
of
Antioch
took
precedence
of
those
of
Rome,
Constantinople,
Jerusalem,
and
Alexandria.
Antioch
was
captured
in
a.d.
by
Sapor
of
Persia;
in
A.D.
it
was
burned
by
Chosroes;
rebuilt
by
Justinian,
it
again
fell
before
the
Saracens
in
a.d.
636.
Nicephorus
Phocas
recovered
it
in
a.d.
909,
but
in
A.D.
it
fell
to
the
Seljuk
Turks.
The
first
Crusaders
retook
it
in
after
a
celebrated
siege,
signalized
by
the
'invention
of
the
Holy
Lance';
but
in
it
passed
finally
into
the
hands
of
the
Turks.
Earthquakes
have
added
to
the
ruining
hand
of
man.
Those
of
b.c.
184,
A.D.
37,
115,
457,
and
esp.
(when
200,000
persons
perished),
528,
1170,
and
have
been
the
most
disastrous.
The
once
vast
city
has
shrunk
into
a
small,
ignoble,
and
dirty
town
of
6,000
inhabitants,
still,
how-ever,
bearing
the
name
of
Antaki
(Turkish)
orAnlakiyah
(Arabic).
It
is
again
the
centre
of
a
Christian
mission,
and
the
Church
of
Antioch,
as
of
old,
is
seeking
to
enlighten
the
surrounding
darkness.
G.
A.
Frank
Knight.
(Pisidian).
—
The
expression
'Antioch
of
Pisidia'
or
'Antioch
in
Pisidia'
is
incorrect,
as
the
town
was
not
in
Pisidia.
Its
official
title
was
'
Antioch
near
Pisidia,'
and
as
it
existed
for
the
sake
of
Pisidia,
the
adjective
'
Pisidian'
was
sometimes
loosely
attached
to
it.
It
was
actually
in
the
ethnic
district
of
Phrygia,
and
in
the
Roman
province
of
Galatia
(that
region
of
it
called
Phrygia
Galatica).
Founded
by
the
inhabitants
of
Magnesia,
it
was
made
a
free
town
by
the
Romans,
and
a
colonia
was
established
there
by
the
emperor
Augustus
to
keep
the
barbarians
of
the
neighbourhood
in
check.
The
municipal
government
became
Roman,
and
the
official
language
Latin.
St.
Paul
visited
it
four
times
(Ac
13"
14"
16s
18"),
and
it
is
one
of
the
churches
addressed
in
the
Epistle
to
the
Galatians.
A.