
Dictionary of the Bible


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AYEPHIM.— RVm of 2 S 16», where the text is uncertain.

AZAEL. Father of one of the commission appointed to investigate the foreign marriages (1 Es 9"); same as Asahel No. 4.

AZAELUS. One of those who put away their foreign wives (1 Es 9'»).

AZALIAH.— Father of Shaphan the scribe (2 K 22', 2 Ch 348).

AZAMIAH.— A Levite (Neh 10»).

AZARAIAS. The father or, more probably, a more remote ancestor of Ezra (1 Es 8'); = Seraiah of Ezr 7'.

AZAREL.— 1. A Korahite follower of David at Ziklag (1 Ch 126). 2. A son of Heman (1 Ch 2Si8; called in v.* Uzziel). 3. Prince of the tribe of Dan (1 Ch 2722). 4. A son of Bani,who had married a foreign wife (Ezr ICH'). 6. A priest (Neh 11"). 6. A Levite (Neh 12»).

AZABIAH.— 1. Kingof Judah;seeUzziAH. 2. 2Ch 22" for Ahaziah. 3. 2 Ch 15'-' a prophet, son of Oded, who met Asa's victorious army at Mareshah, and urged them to begin and persevere in a religious reform. 4. High priest in the reign of Solomon (1 K 4^). 5. 1 Ch 6i», Ezr 7', father of Amariah, who was high priest under Jehoshaphat. 6. High priest in the reign of Uzziah (2 Ch 26»-!»); he withstood and denounced the king

' when he presumptuously attempted to usurp the priests' ofiBce of burning incense upon the altar. 7. High priest in the reign of Hezeklah (2 Ch S'"- "). 8. 1 Ch 6"- », Ezr 71 (Ezerias, 1 Es 8'; Azarias, 2 Es 1>), son of Hilklah the high priest. 9. 1 K 4', a son of Nathan, who 'was over the oBlcers' (v.'). 10. 1 Ch 2», son of Ethan whose wisdom was surpassed by that of Solomon (1 K 4"). 11. 1 Ch 2SS, a man of Judah who had Egyptian blood in his veins (v.'*). 12. 1 Ch 6»«, a Kohathite Levite (called Uzziah in 1 Ch 6^). 13. 14. 2 Ch 21^, Azariah and Azariahu, two of the sons of Jehoshaphat. 16. 16. 2 Ch 23', Azariah and Azariahu, two of the five 'captains of hundreds' who assisted Jehoiada in the restoration of Joash. 17. 2 Ch 28'^, one of those who supported the prophet Oded when he rebuked the army of Israel for purposing to enslave the captives of Judah. 18. 19. 2 Ch 29'^, two Levites, a Kohathite and a Merarite. 20. Neh 3^, one of those who repaired the wall of Jerusalem. 21. Neh 7' (called Seraiah, Ezr 2^; Zacharias, 1 Es 5'), one of the twelve leaders of Israel who returned with Zerubbabel. 22. Neh 8' (Azarias, 1 Es 9"), one of those who helped the Levites to 'cause the people to understand the law.* 23. Jer 43^, son of Hoshaiah (the Maacathite, 40'), also called Jezaniah (40' 42>) and Jaazaniah (2 K 2522). He was one of the 'captains of the forces' who joined GedaUah at Mizpah. 24. The Heb. name of Abednego (Dn 1'- '• "• " 2").

AZARIAS.— 1. 1 Es 9"; called Uzziah, Ezr lO". 2. 1 Es 9", one of those who stood beside Ezra at the reading of the Law. 3. 1 Es 9"=Azariah of Neh 8'.

4. Name assumed by the angel Raphael (To 5'^ 65. 13 78 92)_ 5, ^ captain of Judas Maccabaeus (1 Mac 51s. ee. 60),

AZABU. Ancestor of a family which returned with Zerubbabel (1 Es 5").

AZAZ.— A Reubenite (1 Ch 5').

AZAZEL.— The name in Hebrew and RV of the desert spirit to whom one of the two goats was sent, laden with the sins of the people, in the ritual of the Day of Atonement (Lv 16'- '»• » RV, see Atonement [Day of]). Etymology, origin, and significance are still matters of conjecture. The AV designation scapegoat (i.e. the goat that is allowed to escape, which goes back to the caper emissarius of the Vulgate) obscures the


fact that the word Azazel is a proper name in the original, and in particular the name of a powerful spirit or demon supposed to inhabit the wilderness or 'soUtary land' (1622 rv). The most plausible explanation of this strange element in the rite is that which connects Azazel with the illicit worship of field-spirits or satyrs (lit. 'he-goats') of which mention is made in several OT passages (Lv 17', Is 13" etc.). It may have been the intention of the authors of Lv 16 in its present form to strike at the roots of this popular belief and practice by giving Azazel, probably regarded as the prince of the satyrs, a place in the recognized ritual. Christianity itself can supply many analogies to such a proceeding. The belief that sin, disease, and the like can be removed by being transferred to living creatures, beasts or birds, is not confined to the Semitic races, and has its analogy in Hebrew ritual, in the ceremony of the cleansing of the leper (Lv 14"). In the Book of Enoch (c. B.C. 180) Azazel appears as the prince of the fallen angels, the offspring of the unions described in On 6'«-.

A. R. S. Kennedy.

AZAZIAH.— 1. A Levite (1 Ch IS^'). 2. Father of Hoshea the prince of Ephraim (1 Ch 272"). 3. An over-seer of the Temple under Hezekiah (2 Ch 31").

AZBUK. Father of Nehemiah, who took part in rebuilding the walls (Neh 3'6).

AZEKAH.— A city of Judah (Jos lO'"-, 1 S 17', 2 Ch 11», Neh 112"), near the Valley of Elah; inhabited by the Jews after the Captivity. Site unknown.

AZEL. 1. A descendant of Jonathan (1 Ch 8"' = 9*"). 2. An unidentified site in the neighbourhood of Jerusalem (Zee 145).

AZETAS.— Head of a family which returned with Zerubbabel (1 Es 5").

AZGAD.— See Abtad.

AZIEI.— An ancestor of Ezra (2 Es l^); called Azariah, Ezr T, and Ozias, 1 Es 8'.

AZIEL.— A Levite (1 Ch IS^"); called in v."Jaaziel— the full form of the name.

AZIZA. A Jew who had married a foreign wife (Ezr 10"); called in 1 Es 9^' Zardeus.

AZMAVETH.— 1. A descendant of Saul (1 Ch 8»). 2. One of David's mighty men (2 S 23", 1 Ch ll^s), probably identical with the Azmaveth of 1 Ch 12' 2725, whose sons joined David at Ziklag, and who was ' over the king's treasuries.' 3. A Benjamite town (1 Ch 12', Ezr 2^, Neh 72' [Beth-azmaveth], 1 Es 5" [Bethas-moth]); mod. Higmeh, S.E. of Gibeah.

AZUON. An unknown place on the border of Judah (Nu 34<, Jos. 1S<); called in Jos 15" 19' Ezem.

AZNOTH-TABOB.— The lower slopes of Mt. Tabor, marking the S.W. corner of the portion of Naphtali (Jos 19").

AZOR.— An ancestor of Jesus (Mt 1"').

AZOTUS.— See Ashdod.

AZRIEL. 1. Head of a 'father's house' in the E. half tribe of Manasseh (1 Ch S^*). 2. A Naphtali te (1 Ch 27"). 3. Father of Seraiah (Jer 36a).

AZBIKAM.— 1. Son of Neariah (1 Ch 3"). 2. A descendant of Jonathan (1 Ch 8" 9"). 3. A Levite (1 Ch 9'«, Neh 11"). 4. The 'ruler of the house' under Ahaz (2 Ch 28').

AZUBAH.— 1. Wife of Caleb (1 Ch 2'"). 2. Mother of Jehoshaphat (1 K 22« = 2 Ch 20").

AZZAN.— Father of Paltiel (Nu 34»).

AZZUR. 1. One of those who sealed the covenant (Neh 10"). 2. Father of Hananiah the false prophet (Jer 28'). 3. Father of Jaazaniah, one of the princes of the people (Ezk 11').