that
are
consecrated
(10"-
")
are
come
to
the
Church
of
the
first-born
(12»),
which
includes
the
spirits
ol
the
perfected
saints
lib.)
in
the
fellowship
of
God's
house-hold
(Eph
2",
He
10")-
See
also
following
article.
J.
G.
Simpson.
.
The
general
develop-ment
seems
fairly
clear,
though
its
later
stages
fall
beyond
times.
The
Apostles
were
founders
of
churches,
and
therefore
regulated
and
supervised
the
first
arrange-ments;
then
were
added
sundry
local
and
unlooal
rulers;
then
the
unlocal
died
out,
and
the
local
settled
down
into
the
three
permanent
classes
of
bishops,
elders,
and
deacons.
The
chief
disputed
questions
concern
the
origin
of
the
local
ministry,
its
relation
to
the
other,
and
the
time
and
manner
in
which
it
settled
down
under
the
government
of
(monarchical)
bishops.
2.
Twice
over
St.
Paul
gives
something
like
a
list
of
the
chief
persons
of
the
Church.
In
Co
12'8
he
counts
up
—
'first,
apostles;
second,
prophets;
third,
teachers;
then
powers;
then
gifts
of
healing,
helps,
governments,
kinds
of
tongues.'
It
will
be
noticed
that
all
the
words
after
the
first
two
plainly
describe
functions,
not
offices.
few
years
later
(Eph
4")
he
tells
us
how
the
ascended
Lord
'himself
gave
some
sis
apostles,
some
prophets,
some
evangelists,
some
pastors
and
teachers,
for
the
work
of
service'
(fOakonia)
—
they
are
all
of
them
'deacons'
{diakonoi),
whatever
more
they
may
be.
3.
At
the
head
of
both
lists
is
the
Apostle.
The
Apostles
were
not
limited
to
the
Eleven,
or
to
the
number
twelve,
though
twelve
was
always
the
ideal
number
(1
Co
1S>,
Rev
21";
perhaps
Ac
2"
&).
Whether
Matthias
remained
an
Apostle
or
not,
Paul
and
Barnabas
were
certainly
Apostles
(e.g.
Ac
14"),
and
so
was
James
the
Lord's
brother
(Gal
1").
The
old
disciples
Andro-nicus
and
Junias
(not
Junia)
were
'notable'
Apostles
(Ro
16').
On
the
other
hand,
Timothy
seems
excluded
by
the
greetings
of
several
Epistles
(e.g.
Co.),
and
Apollos
by
the
evidence
of
Clement
of
Rome,
who
most
likely
knew
the
truth
of
the
matter.
The
Apostle's
first
qualification
was
to
have
seen
the
risen
Lord
(Ac
1^2,
Co
9^),
for
his
first
duty
was
to
bear
witness
of
the
Resurrection.
This
qualification
seems
never
to
have
been
relaxed
in
times.
direct
call
was
also
needed,
for
(1
Co
1228,
Gal
1',
Eph
4")
no
human
authority
coidd
choose
an
Apostle.
The
call
of
Barnabas
and
Saul
was
acknowledged
(Ac
13^)
by
a
commission
from
the
church
at
Antioch;
and
if
Matthias
remained
an
Apostle,
we
must
suppose
that
the
direct
call
was
represented
by
some
later
Divine
recognition.
Therefore
the
Apostle
was
in
no
sense
a
local
official.
His
work
was
not
to
serve
tables,
but
to
preach
and
to
make
disciples
of
all
nations,
so
that
be
led
a
wandering
life,
settling
down
only
in
his
old
age,
or
in
the
sense
of
making,
say,
Ephesus
or
Corinth
his
centre
for
a
while.
The
stories
which
divide
the
world
among
the
Twelve
are
legends:
the
only
division
we
know
of
was
made
(Gal
2')
at
the
Conference,
when
it
was
resolved
that
the
Three
should
go
to
the
Jews,
Paul
and
Barnabas
to
the
Gentiles.
With
this
preaching
went
the
founding
and
general
care
of
churches,
though
not
their
ordinary
government.
St.
Paul
interferes
only
in
cases
of
gross
error
or
corporate
disorder.
His
point
is
not
that
the
Galatians
are
mistaken,
but
that
they
are
altogether
falling
away
from
Christ
;
not
that
the
Corinthian
is
a
bad
offender,
but
that
the
church
sees
no
great
barm
In
the
matter.
He
does
not
advise
the
Corinthians
on
further
questions
without
plain
hints
(1
Co
6'
10"
11")
that
they
ought
to
have
settled
most
of
them
for
themselves.
4.
Next
to
the
Apostle
comes
the
shadowy
figure
of
the
Prophet.
He
too
sustained
the
Church,
and
shared
with
him
(Eph
2^"
3')
the
revelation
of
the
mystery.
He
spoke
'in
the
spirit'
words
of
warning,
of
comfort,
or
it
might
be
of
prediction.
He
too
received
his
com-mission
from
God
and
not
from
men,
and
was
no
local
officer
of
a
church,
even
if
he
dwelt
in
the
city.
But
he
was
not
an
eye-witness
of
the
risen
Lord,
and
'the
care
of
all
the
churches'
did
not
rest
on
him.
Women
also
might
prophesy
(1
Co
11»),
like
Philip's
daughters
(Ac
21")
at
Csesarea,
or
perhaps
the
mystic
Jezebel
(Rev
22«)
at
Thyatira.
Yet
even
in
the
ApostoUc
age
prophecy
(1
Th
5™)
is
beginning
to
fall
into
discredit,
and
false
prophets
are
flourishing
(1
Jn.,
Pet.,
Jude).
This
may
be
the
reason
for
the
marked
avoidance
of
the
name
'
Apostle
'
by
and
of
St.
John.
6.
It
will
be
seen
that
St.
Paul's
lists
leave
no
place
for
a
local
ministry
of
office,
unless
it
comes
in
under
'helps
and
governments'
on
'pastors
and
teachers.'
Yet
such
a
ministry
must
have
existed
almost
from
the
first.
We
have
(1)
the
appointment
of
the
Seven
at
Jerusalem
(Ac
6)
;
(2)
elders
at
Jerusalem
in
the
years
44,
50,
(118"
15«-
»
2118),
appointed
by
Paul
and
Barnabas
In
every
church
about
(14a),
mentioned
Ja
5";
at
Ephesus
in
(Ac
20"),
mentioned
5';
(3)
PhcEbe
a
deaconess
at
Cenchrese
in
(Eo
16'),
bishops
and
deacons
at
Philippi
in
(Ph
1').
Also
in
the
Pastoral
Epistles,
Timothy
at
Ephesus
about
is
(1
Ti
3,
4)
in
charge
of
four
orders:
(1)
bishops
(or
elders)
(5');
(2)
deacons;
(3)
deaconesses
(3")
('women'
[in
Gr.
without
the
article]
cannot
be
wives
of
deacons);
(4)
widows.
With
Titus
in
Crete
only
bishops
are
mentioned
(Tit
1').
To
these
we
add
(5)
the
prominent
guasi-episcopal
positions
of
James
at
Jerusalem
in
(Ac
12"),
in
50,
and
in
58;
and
(6)
of
Timothy
and
Titus
at
Ephesus
and
in
Crete.
To
these
we
must
not
add
(
)
the
'
young
men
'
(neoteroi)
who
carried
out
Ananias
(Ac
6').
[The
tacit
contrast
with
presbyteroi
is
of
age,
not
office,
for
it
is
neaniskoi
who
bury
Sapphira];
(2)
the
indefinite
proistamenoi
of
Th
5"
and
Ro
128,
and
the
equally
indefinite
hegoujnenoi
of
some
unknowp
church
shortly
before
(He
13'-
").
[If
these
are
officials,
we
can
say
no
more
than
that
there
are
several
of
them];
(3)
the
angels
of
the
seven
churches
in
Asia.
[These
cannot
safely
be
taken
literally.]
6.
The
questions
before
us
may
be
conveniently
grouped
round
the
three
later
offices
of
Bishop,
Elder,
and
Deacon.
But
bishop
and
deacon
seem
at
first
to
have
denoted
functions
of
oversight
and
service
rather
than
definite
offices.
The
elder
carries
over
a
more
official
character
from
the
synagogue;
but
in
any
case
there
is
always
a
good
deal
of
give
and
take
among
officials
of
small
societies.
If
so,
we
shall
not
be
sur-prised
if
we
find
neither
definite
institution
of
offices
nor
sharp
distinction
of
duties.
(1)
Deacons.
The
traditional
view,
that
the
choice
of
the
Seven
in
Ac
marks
the
institution
of
a
per-manent
order
of
deacons,
is
open
to
serious
doubt.
The
opinion
of
Cyprian
and
later
writers
is
not
worth
much
on
a
question
of
this
kind,
and
even
that
of
Irenseus
is
far
from
decisive.
The
vague
word
diakonia
(used
too
in
the
context
of
the
Apostles
themselves)
is
balanced
by
the
avoidance
of
the
word
'deacon'
in
the
Acts
(e.g.
21«
Philip
the
evangelist,
one
of
the
Seven).
Since,
however,
Phoebe
was
a
deaconess
at
Cenchrese
in
58,
there
were
probably
deacons
there
and
at
Corinth,
though
St.
Paul
does
not
mention
any;
and
at
Philippi
we
have
bishops
and
deacons
in
63.
In
both
cases,
however,
the
doubt
remains,
how
far
the
name
has
settled
into
a
definite
office.
See
art.
Deacon.
(2)
Elders.
Elders
at
Jerusalem
receive
the
offerings
in
from
Saul
and
Barnabas.
They
are
joined
with
the
Apostles
at
the
Conference
in
50,
and
with
James
in
58.
As
Paul
and
Barnabas
appoint
elders
in
every
city
on
their
first
missionary
journey,
and
we
find
elders
at
Ephesus
in
58,
we
may
infer
that
the
churches
generally
had
elders,
though
there
is
no
further
certain
mention
of
them
till
the
Pastoral
Epistles
and
Peter.
Probably
Ja
S'"
is
earlier,
but
there
we
cannot
be
sure
that
the
word
is
official.
The
difference
of
name
between
elders
and
bishops
may
point
to
some
difference
of
origin
or
duties;
but
in
(and
in
Clement
of
Rome)
the
terms
are
practl-