little
doubtful,
however,
whether
the
Gentile
churches
kept
the
annual
as
well
as
the
weekly
feast
of
the
Resurrection
at
this
early
date;
see
art.
'Calendar,
The
Christian,'
in
Hastings'
i.
256.
Ramsay
(;S(.
Paul
the
Trav.
p.
276)
thinks
that
we
must
date
our
Epistle
some
six
months
earlier,
in
the
second
autumn
before
St.
Paul's
arrest.
The
events
alluded
to
In
Cor.
require
a
long
interval
between
the
Epistles.
Moreover,
the
Corinthians
had
begun
the
collection
for
the
poor
Jews
'a
year
ago'
when
St.
Paul
wrote
Cor.
(8'"
9'),
and
it
seems,
therefore,
that
at
least
a
year
must
have
elapsed
since
the
injunction
of
Co
16'.
It
is
suggested,
however,
that
we
should
rather
translate
the
phrase
'last
year,'
and
that
to
one
who
used
the
Macedonian
calendar,
and
who
wrote
in
the
autumn,
'last
spring'
would
also
be
'last
year,'
for
the
new
year
began
in
September.
On
the
whole,
however,
the
argument
about
the
Easter
festival
seems
to
be
precarious,
and
the
conditions
are
probably
better
satisfied
if
a
longer
interval
be
allowed,
and
the
First
Epistle
put
about
months
before
St.
Paul's
arrest.
The
absolute,
as
opposed
to
the'relative,
date
will
depend
on
our
view
of
the
rival
schemes
given
in
art.
Chronology
§
iii.
A.
J.
Maclean.
TO.—
.
Circum-stances
of
the
Epistle.^
—
The
circumstances
of
this
'
Epistle
are
more
diiEcult
to
discover
than
those
of
any
other
of
St.
Paul's
Epistles.
The
historical
situation
has
been
well
described
as
a
'trackless
forest,'
and
as
a
consequence
the
views
of
writers
are
very
varied.
We
may
best
start
by
noticing
that
the
Epistle
was
clearly
written
when
the
Apostle
was
burdened
by
some
great
anxiety,
perhaps
physical,
but
assuredly
spiritual
(11^8).
xhis
anxiety
seems
to
have
been
connected
with
at
least
three
things:
(a)
a
mission
of
Titus;
(6)
a
letter
St.
Paul
had
written
to
Corinth,
either
our
Cor.,
or
an
Epistle
now
lost
(7');
(c)
the
treatment
of
some
offender
at
Corinth,
either
the
guilty
one
of
Co
5',
or
some
resolute
opponent
of
St.
Paul's
authority.
In
13'
we
read
of
a
projected
third
visit
(for
such
seems
the
most
natural
interpretation
of
the
words)
,
and
this
presupposes
a
second
visit
of
which
we
have
no
record.
Four
questions
then
need
to
be
answered.
(1)
Why
Titus'
mission
should
have
caused
anxiety?
(2)
What
was
the
letter
that
led
to
St.
Paul's
concern
as
to
its
effect?
(3)
Who
was
the
offender
referred
to?
(4)
When
did
the
second
visit
take
place?
.
St.
Paul
and
Corinth
.
—
The
Church
was
f
oundedjln
or
on
the
Second
Missionary
Journey
(Ac
18').
St.
Paul
remained
there
two
years.
After
leaving,
he
kept
up
communications
(2
Co
12"),
though
it
was
only
at
Ephesus
on
the
Third
Missionary
Journey
in
(Ac
19')
that
he
could
resume
personal
intercourse.
While
there,
he
heard
of
the
terrible
immorality,
and
wrote
a
short
letter
(1
Co
5'),
ordering
them
to
have
no
inter-course
with
fornicators.
This
letter,
now
lost,
may
be
referred
to
in
Co
I'S;
and
if
so,
it
may
have
contained
a
statement
that
he
would
come
to
Corinth
before
going
to
Macedonia.
This
project,
however,
was
altered
(1
Co
16').
About
the
same
time
(a.d.
56)
he
possibly
paid
a
second
visit
from
Ephesus
to
Corinth,
which
caused
him
great
pain
and
grief
(2
Co
2'
12'«-
«
13').
Then
in
the
spring
of
he
wrote
Cor.,
and
on
the
strength
of
his
Apostolic
authority
ordered
the
punish-ment
of
the
incestuous
person
(1
Co
6'-').
At
the
same
time
he
sent
Timothy
on
a
mission
(1
Co
4"
16'°)
to
support
and
supplement
his
letter.
It
is
possible
that
'nmothy
returned
with
the
sad
news
that
the
Church
refused
to
carry
out
St.
Paul's
orders,
or
possibly
that
there
was
a
growing
opposition
to
his
authority
under
some
Judaizing
ringleader.
Then
followed
the
mission
of
Titus,
carrying
with
him
a
letter,
our
Cor.,
or
another
now
lost
(2
Co
2'
7'),
in
which
St.
Paul
insisted
on
Church
discipUne.
Paul
leaves
Ephesus
owing
to
riot
(Ac
19),
expects
to
see
Titus
in
Troas,
but
does
not
meet
him
until
they
reach
Macedonia
in
the
summer
or
autumn
of
(2
Co
2'2-
").
The
news
Titus
brought
from
Corinth
is
mixed.
The
majority
of
the
Church
had
obeyed
his
orders
and
punished
the
offender
(2
Co
28-"),
but
the
Judaizers
had
grown
stronger
in
opposition
to
the
Apostle,
charging
him
with
inconsistency,
false
Apostleship,
boasting,
and
money-making.
They
were
also
probably
endeavour-ing
to
thwart
his
collections
for
Jerusalem
(1
Co
16',
Co
8').
Not
least
of
all
was
the
still
existing
danger
for
Gentile
converts
of
relapsing
into
heathen
worship
and
impurity
(2
Co
6"
7'
12i»-2').
As
a
result
of
this
news,
St.
Paul
writes
our
Cor.,
in
which
(1)
he
ex-presses
great
satisfaction
at
the
good
news
of
discipline
exercised
against
evildoers,
(2)
justifies
the
collection
for
Jerusalem,
and
(3)
vindicates
his
Apostolicauthority.
Then
followed
a
visit
(the
third)
to
Corinth,
and
a
stay
of
three
months
(Ac
20').
The
moat
uncertain
point
is
the
place
of
the
second
visit.
As
above
stated,
it
is
thought
by
some
to
have
taken
place
before
our
Cor.
was
written,
though
others
suggest
it
should
come
soon
after
Timothy's
mission
and
as
a
result
of
his
failure.
On
this
view,
however,
it
is
difficult,
if
not
im-possible,
to
account
for
Titus'
mission.
It
is
also
urged
(Robertson
in
Hastings'
that
a
place
for
the
second
visit
cannot
be
found
anterior
to
our
Cor.,
and
it
must
therefore
be
removed
altogether
from
thesphere
and
circum-stances
of
our
two
Epistles.
It
is
also
uncertain
whether
the
offender
is
the
one
of
Cor.,
as
seems
more
probable,
or
some
entirely
different
person
who
was
a
virulent
opponent
of
St.
Paul's
Apostolicauthority.
Godet
makes
out
a
strong
and
almost
convincing
case
for
a
different
set
of
circum-stances
in
Cor.
from
those
in
Corinthians.
There
is
equal
uncertainty
as
to
the
letter
about
which
St.
Paul
was
anxious
Moat
probably
it
is
one
now
lost,
and
not
our
Corinthians.
Denney
{Expos.
Bible)
considers
the
connexion
between
and
Ck>r.
so
close
as
to
need
no
hypotheses
of
additional
Epistles
now
lost.
He
would
explain
Cor.
entirely
out
of
Corinthians.
Bernard
favours
this
view
(so
formerly
Plummer)
.
On
the
other
handj
Godet
places
the
second
visit
between
our
and
Cor.,
which
visit
is
thought
to
be
the
painful
and
recent
one
in
Co
18'-28.
The
following,
modified
from
Robertson
(Hastings'
DB^i.
495),
is
perhaps
the
best
scheme
of
events:
—
(1)
Foundation
of
Church
at
Corinth
(Ac
18'-').
(2)
Apollo3atCorinth(Acl9',lColi2).
(3)St.Paul
at
Ephesus
(Ac
19').
[The
second
visit
to
CJorinth
if
before
our
Cor.]
(4)
Lost
letter
of
Co
6^
(perhaps
announcing
the
jplan
of
Co
1").
(5)
Some
would
put
second
visit
to
Connth
here.
(6)
Visit
of
Stephanas
and
others
from
Corinth
to
St.
Paul
at
Ephesus
(1
Co
16"-
'«),
askmg
for
advice
on
certain
matters
(1
Co
8').
(7)
Cor.
sent
by
Titus
and
the
'brother'
(2
Co
12'8).
(8)
St.
Paul
determines
to
pay
a
double
visit
to
CJorinth
(2
Co
1")
.
(9)
Painful
news
from
Corinth
through
Titusleads
toachangeof
plan.
(10)
severe
letter
sent.
(11)
Titus
sent
to
Corinth
(2
Co
7'-"),
with,
on
the
whole,
favourable
results.
(12)
Titus
returns
and
meets
St.
Paul
in
Macedonia.
(.13)
Titus
sent
to
Corinth
with
Corinthians.
(14)
St.
Paul's
visit
to
Corinth
and
three
months'
stay
(Ac
20*).
It
is
interesting
to
note
the
happy
results
of
this
letter.
Not
only
did
the
Apostle
go
again
to
Corinth,
but
actually
wintered
there.
Still
more,
it
was
during
these
three
months
that
he
wrote
his
great
Epistle
to
the
Romans,
the
quiet
tone
and
massive
strength
of
which
bear
witness
to
the
restf
ulness
of
the
Apostle's
mind
and
heart,
as
well
as
to
the
complete
victory
over
the
Judaizers.
Not
least
of
all,
his
favourite
project
—
the
collection
for
Jerusalem
—
was
brought
to
a
successful
completion,
and
the
Church
of
Corinth
had
some
of
its
members
included
in
the
delegation
to
Jerusalem
(Ac
20*).
Hia
vigorous
Epistle
was
therefore
not
in
vain,
and
Corinth
and
the
whole
Church
have
been
the
gainers
by
it
in
the
overruUng
providence
of
God.
3.
Date.
—
Cor.
was
written
in
the
spring
of
57,
and
Cor.
probably
in
the
same
year,
though
it
is
impossible
to
say
definitely
what
was
the
exact
interval
between
them.
The
all-engrossing
topic
of
the
collection
for
Jerusalem
(chs.
and
9)
indicates
the
date
as
during
the
time
of
the
Third
Missionary
Journey.
St.
Paul
had
left
Asia
(,!'),
and
had
passed
through
Troas
(2"),
and
was
in
Macedonia
(2"
9').
From
Ac
20'
we
know
that
he
wintered
at
Corinth,
and
so
Cor.
fits
in
exactly