four
clefts
in
the
surrounding
hills.
It
is
along
these
valleys
that
the
roads
through
the
central
plateau
of
Asia
Minor
pass.
The
chief
of
these
was
the
route
up
the
Maeander
as
far
as
the
Lycus,
its
tributary,
then
along
the
Lycus
towards
Apamea.
It
was
the
most
important
avenue
of
civilization
in
Asia
Minor
under
the
Roman
Empire.
Miletus
had
been
in
earlier
times
a
more
important
harbour
than
Ephesus,
but
the
track
across
from
this
main
road
to
Ephesus
was
much
shorter
than
the
road
to
Miletus,
and
was
over
a
pass
only
ft.
high.
Consequently
Ephesus
replaced
Miletus
before
and
during
the
Roman
Empire,
especially
as
the
Mffiander
had
silted
up
so
much
as
to
spoil
the
harbour
at
the
latter
place.
It
became
the
great
emporium
for
all
the
trade
N.
of
Mt.
Taurus.
Ephesus
was
on
the
main
route
from
Rome
to
the
East,
and
many
side
roads
and
sea-routes
converged
at
it
(Ac
20'-
",
Ti
l^,
Ti
4").
The
governors
of
the
provinces
in
Asia
Minor
had
always
to
land
at
Ephesus.
.
It
was
an
obvious
centre
for
the
work
of
St.
Paul,
as
influences
from
there
spread
over
the
whole
province
(Ac
IQii).
Corinth
was
the
next
great
station
on
the
way
to
Rome,
and
communication
between
the
two
places
was
constant.
The
ship
in
Ac
18",
bound
from
Corinth
for
the
Syrian
coast,
touched
first
at
Ephesus.
Besides
Paul,
Tychicus
(Eph
e"')
and
Timothy
(according
to
Ti
1'.
Ti
4'),
John
Mark
(Col
4i<i,
5"),
and
the
writer
of
the
Apocalypse
(1"
2')
were
acquainted
with
Asia
or
Ephesus.
The
harbour
of
Ephesus
was
kept
large
enough
and
deep
enough
only
by
constant
attention.
The
alluvial
deposits
were
(and
are)
so
great
that,
when
once
the
Roman
Empire
had
ceased
to
hold
sway,
the
harbour
became
gradually
smaller
and
smaller,
so
that
now
Ephesus
is
far
away
from
the
sea.
Even
in
St.
Paul's
time
there
appear
to
have
been
di£Sculties
about
navi-gating
the
channel,
and
ships
avoided
Ephesus
except
when
loading
or
unloading
was
necessary
(cf.
Ac
20'°).
The
route
by
the
high
lands,
from
Ephesus
to
the
East,
was
suitable
for
foot
passengers
and
light
traffic,
and
was
used
by
St.
Paul
(Ac
19';
probably
also
16«).
The
alternative
was
the
main
road
through
Colossse
and
Laodicea.
neither
of
which
St.
Paul
ever
visited
(Col
2').
In
the
open
plain,
about
miles
from
the
sea,
S.
of
the
river,
stands
a
little
hill
which
has
always
been
a
religious
centre.
Below
its
S.W.
slope
was
the
temple
sacred
to
Artemis
(see
Diana
op
the
Ephesians).
The
Greek
city
Ephesus
was
built
at
a
distance
of
1-2
miles
S.W.
of
this
hill.
The
history
of
the
town
turns
very
much
on
the
opposition
between
the
free
Greek
spirit
of
progress
and
the
slavish
submission
of
the
Oriental
population
to
the
goddess.
Croesus
the
Lydian
represented
the
predominance
of
the
latter
over
the
former,
but
Lysimachus
(B.C.
295)
revived
the
Greek
influence.
Ephesus,
however,
was
always
proud
of
the
position
of
'Warden
of
the
Temple
of
Artemis'
(Ac
IQ'').
The
festivals
were
thronged
by
crowds
from
the
whole
of
the
province
of
Asia.
St.
Paul,
whose
residence
in
Ephesus
lasted
years
and
months
(Ac
198-
i»),
or.
roughly
expressed,
years
(Ac
20"),
at
first
incurred
no
opposition
from
the
devotees
of
the
goddess,
because
new
foreign
religions
did
not
lessen
the
influence
of
the
native
goddess;
but
when
his
teach-ing
proved
prejudicial
to
the
money
interests
of
the
people
who
made
a
living
out
of
the
worship,
he
was
at
once
bitterly
attacked.
Prior
to
this
occurrence,
his
influence
had
caused
many
of
the
famous
magicians
of
the
place
to
burn
their
books
(Ac
ig"-").
The
riot
of
19^2
was
no
mere
passing
fury
of
a
section
of
the
populace.
The
references
to
Ephesus
in
the
Epistles
show
that
the
opposition
to
Christianity
there
was
as
long-continued
as
it
was
virulent
(1
Co
IS**
le*,
Co
10).
The
scene
in
Ac
19i»ff-
derives
some
illustration
from
an
account
of
the
topography
and
the
government
of
the
city.
The
ruins
of
the
theatre
are
large,
and
it
has
been
calculated
that
it
could
hold
24,000
people.
It
was
on
the
western
slope
of
Mt.
Pion,
and
overlooked
the
harbour.
The
Asiarchs
(see
Asiaech),
who
were
friendly
to
St.
Paul,
may
have
been
present
in
Ephesus
at
that
time
on
account
of
a
meeting
of
their
body
(Ac
19*1).
The
town-clerk
or
secretary
of
the
city
appears
as
a
person
of
importance,
and
this
is
exactly
in
accordance
with
what
is
known
of
municipal
affairs
in
such
cities.
The
Empire
brought
decay
of
the
in-fluence
of
popular
assemblies,
which
tended
more
and
more
to
come
into
the
hands
of
the
officials,
though
the
assembly
at
Ephesus
was
really
the
highest
municipal
authority
(Ac
198»),
and
the
Roman
courts
and
the
proconsuls
(Ac
19*8)
were
the
final
judicial
authority
in
processes
against
individuals.
The
meeting
of
the
assembly
described
in
Acts
was
not
a
legal
meeting.
Legal
meetings-
could
be
summoned
only
by
the
Roman
officials,
who
had
the
power
to
call
together
the
people
when
they
pleased.
The
secretary
tried
to
act
as
inter-mediary
between
the
people
and
these
officials,
and
save
the
people
from
trouble
at
their
hands.
The
temple
of
Artemis
which
existed
in
St.
Paul's
day
was
of
enormous
size.
Apart
from
religious
purposes,
it
was
used
as
a
treasure-house:
as
to
the
precise
arrange-ments
for
the
charge
of
this
treasure
we
are
in
ignorance.
There
is
evidence
outside
the
also
for
the
presence
of
Jews
in
Ephesus.
The
twelve
who
had
been
baptized
with
the
baptism
of
John
(Ac
19')
may
have
been
persons
who
had
emigrated
to
Ephesus
before
the
mission
of
Jesus
began.
When
St.
Paul
turned
from
the
Jews
to
the
population
in
general,
he
appeared,
as
earlier
in
Athens,
as
a
lecturer
in
philosophy,
and
occupied
the
school
of
Tyrannus
out
of
school
hours.
The
earlier
part
of
the
day,
beginning
before
dawn,
he
spent
in
manual
labour.
The
actual
foundation
of
Christianity
in
Ephesus
may
have
been
due
to
Priscilla
and
Aquila
(Ac
18").
'Ephesian'
occurs
as
a
variant
reading
in
the
'Western'
text
of
Ac
20''
for
the
words
'of
Asia,'
as
applied
to
Tychicus
and
Trophimus.
Trophimus
was
an
inhabitant
of
Ephesus
(Ac
2V^),
capital
of
Asia;
but
Tychicus
was
probably
merely
an
inhabitant
of
the
province
Asia;
hence
they
are
coupled
under
the
only
adjective
applicable
to
both.
It
is
hardly
safe
to
infer
from
the
fact
that
Tychicus
bore
the
letter
to
the
Colossians
that
he
belonged
to
Colossae
(province
Asia)
;
but
it
is
possible
that
he
did.
A.
descendant
of
Judah
(1
Ch
2'').
1.
Father
of
Hanniel
(Nu
34"
P).
2.
See
Dhess,
§
(c),
and
Phiests
and
Levites.
3.
The
'ephod'
of
Jg
8"
17*
18»-
"•
's-
»"
is
probably
an
image.
Mk
7^,
where
Jesus
says
to
a
man
who
was
deaf
and
had
an
impediment
in
his
speech,
'Ephphatha,'
that
is,
'Be
opened.'
The
word
is
really
Aramaic,
and
if
we
transliterate
it
as
it
stands
we
obtain
eppattach
or
epp'thach.
Both
these
forms
are
contracted
:
the
former
for
ithpattach,
the
latter
for
iihp'thack,
which
are
respectively
second
sing,
imperative
Ithpaal
and
Ithpeal
of
the
verb
p't?iach,
'to
open.'
Some
Gr.
present
ephphetha,
which
is
certainly
Ithpeal,
whereas
ephphatha
may
be
Ithpaal.
Jerome
also
reads
ephphetha.
It
is
not
certain
whom
or
what
Jesus
addressed
when
He
said
'
Be
opened.'
It
may
be
the
mouth
of
the
man
as
in
Lk
1"
(so
Weiss,
Morison,
etc.)
;
or
the
ear,
as
in
Targ.
of
Is
50'
(so
Bruce,
Swete,
etc.);
or
it
may
be
the
deaf
man
himself.
One
gate
of
knowledge
being
closed,
the
man
is
conceived
of
as
a
boltedroom,
and
'
Jesus
said
to
him.
Be
thou
opened.'
'
J.
T.
Mabshall.
—
grandson
of
Jacob,
and
the
brother
of
Manasseh,
the
first-born
of
Joseph
by
Asenath,
the
daughter
of
Potiphera,
priest
of
On
(Gn
4is»'-
IE],
cf.
v.«
[Jl).
The
'popular
etymology'
of
connects
the
name
with
the
verb
pOrah,
'to
be
fruitful,'
and
makes
it
refer
to
Joseph's
sons.
In
the
Blessing
of