of
how
the
Jewish
feast
of
PurimX'
Lots
')
first
originated
.
Xerxes,
king
of
the
Medes
and
Persians,
gives
a
great
feast
to
the
nobles
and
princes
of
the
provinces
over
which
he
rules;
the
description
of
the
decorations
in
the
palace
garden
on
this
occasion
recalls
the
language
of
the
Arabian
Nights.
Vashti,
the
queen,
also
gives
a
feast
to
her
women.
On
the
seventh
day
of
the
feast
the
king
commands
Vashti
to
appear
before
the
princes
in
order
that
they
may
see
her
beauty.
Upon
her
refusing
to
obey,
the
king
is
advised
to
divorce
her.
In
her
place,
Esther,
one
of
Vashti's
maidens,
becomes
queen.
Esther
is
the
adopted
daughter
of
a
Jew
named
Mordecal,
who
had
been
the
means
of
saving
the
king
from
the
hands
of
assassins.
But
Mordecai
falls
out
with
the
court
favourite,
Haman,
on
account
of
hia
refusing
to
bow
down
and
do
reverence
to
the
latter.
Haman
resolves
to
avenge
himself
for
this
insult;
he
has
lots
cast
in
order
to
find
out
which
is
the
most
suitable
day
for
presenting
a
petition
to
the
king;
the
day
being
appointed,
the
petition
is
presented
and
granted,
the
promised
payment
of
ten
thousand
talents
of
silver
into
the
royal
treasury
{Est
3')
no
doubt
con-tributing
towards
this.
The
petition
was
that
a
royal
decree
should
be
put
forth
to
the
effect
that
all
Jews
were
to
be
killed,
and
their
belongings
treated
as
spoil.
On
this
becoming
known,
there
is
great
grief
amongthe
Jews.
Esther,
instructed
by
Mordecai,
undertakes
to
interpose
for
her
people
before
the
king.
She
invites
both
the
king
and
Haman
to
a
banquet,
and
repeats
the
invita-tion
for
the
next
day.
Haman,
believing
himself
to
be
in
favour
with
the
royal
couple,
determines
to
gratify
hia
hatred
for
Mordecai
in
a
special
way,
and
prepares
a
gallows
on
which
to
hang
him
(5").
In
the
night
after
the
first
banquet,
Ahasuerus,
being
unable
to
sleep,
commands
that
the
book
of
records
of
the
chronicles
be
brought;
in
these
he
finds
the
account
of
Mordecai's
former
service,
which
has
never
been
rewarded.
Haman
is
sent
for,
and
the
king
asks
him
what
should
be
done
to
the
man
whom
the
king
delights
to
honour;
Haman
thinking
that
it
is
he
himself
who
is
uppermost
in
the
king'a
mind,
describes
how
such
a
man
should
be
honoured.
The
king
thereupon
directs
that
all
that
Haman
has
said
is
to
be
done
to
Mordecai.
Haman
returns
in
grief
to
his
house.
While
taking
counsel
there
with
his
friends,
the
king's
chamberlains
come
to
escort
him
to
the
queen's
second
banquet
(6").
During
this
Esther
makes
her
petition
to
the
king
on
behalf
of
her
people,
as
well
as
for
her
own
life,
which
is
threatened,
for
the
royal
decree
is
directed
against
all
Jews
and
Jewesses
within
his
domains;
she
also
dis-closes
Haman's
plot
against
Mordecai.
The
king,
as
the
result
of
this,
orders
Haman
to
be
hanged
on
the
gallows
which
he
had
prepared
for
Mordecai,
the
latter
receiving
the
honours
which
had
before
belonged
to
Haman
(ch.
7).
Esther
then
has
letters
sent
in
all
directions
in
order
to
avert
the
threatened
destruction
of
her
people;
but
the
attempt
is
yet
made
by
the
enemies
of
the
Jews
to
carry
out
Haman's
intentions.
The
Jews
defend
themselves
with
success,
and
a
great
feast
is
held
on
the
14th
of
Adar,
on
which
the
Jews
'rested,
and
made
it
a
day
of
feasting
and
gladness.'
Moreover,
two
days
of
feasting
are
appointed
to
be
observed
for
all
time;
they
are
called
Purim,
because
of
the
lot
(pur)
which
Haman
cast
for
the
destruction
of
the
Jews
(chs.
8.
9).
The
book
concludes
with
a
further
reference
to
the
power
of
Ahasuerus
and
the
greatness
of
his
favourite,
Mordecai
(ch.
10).
4.
Historicity
of
the
book.
—
There
are
very
few
modern
scholars
who
are
able
to
regard
this
book
as
containing
history;
at
the
most
it
may
be
said
that
it
is
a
historical
romance,
i.e.
that
a
few
historical
data
have
been
utilized
for
constructing
the
tale.
The
main
reasons
for
this
conclusion
are,
that
the
book
is
full
of
improbabilities;
that
it
is
so
transparently
written
for
specific
purposes,
namely,
the
glorification
of
the
Jewish
nation,
and
as
a
means
of
expressing
Jewish
hatred
of
and
contempt
for
Gentiles
(see
also
§5);
that
a
'strictly
historical
interpretation
of
the
narrative
is
beset
with
difficulties
'
;
that
the
facts
it
purports
to
record
receive
no
substantiation
from
such
books
as
Chron.,
Ezr.,
Neh.,
Dan.,
Sirach,
or
Philo
(of.
Hastings'
s.v.).
Besides
this,
there
is
the
artificial
way
in
which
the
book
is
put
together:
the
method
of
presenting
the
various
scenes
in
the
drama
is
in
the
style
of
the
writer
of
fiction,
not
in
that
of
the
historian.
5.
Furim.
—
The
main
purpose
for
which
the
book
was
written
was
ostensibly
to
explain
the
origin
of,
as
well
as
to
give
the
authority
for,
the
continued
observance
of
the
Feast
of
Purim;
though
it
must
be
confessed
that
the
book
does
not
really
throw
any
light
on
the
origin
of
this
feast.
Some
scholars
are
in
favour
of
a
Persian
origin,
others,
with
perhaps
greater
justification,
a
Babylonian.
The
names
of
the
chief
characters
in
the
book
seem
certainly
to
be
corrupted
forms
of
Baby-lonian
and
Elamite
deities,
namely,
Haman
=Hamman,
Mordecai
=Marduk,
Esther
=Ishtar;
while
Vashti
is
the
name
of
an
Elamite
god
or
goddess
(so
Jensen).
Thus
we
should
have
the
Babylonian
Marduk
and
Ishtar
on
the
one
hand,
the
Elamite
Haman
and
Vashti,
on
the
other.
Purim
may,
in
this
case,
have
been,
as
Jensen
suggests,
a
feast
commemorating
the
victory
of
Babylonian
over
Elamite
gods
which
was
taken
over
and
adapted
by
the
Jews.
In
this
case
the
origin
of
the
name
Purim
would
be
sought
in
the
Babylonian
word
puru,
which
means
a
'small
round
stone,'
i.e.
a
lot.
But
the
connexion
between
the
feast
and
its
name
is
not
clear;
indeed,
it
must
be
confessed
that
the
mystery
attaching
to
the
name
Purim
has
not
yet
been
un-ravelled.
W.
O.
E.
Oesteklet.
Es
l»=Jehiel
(2
Ch
35').
—
An
altogether
obscure
place
name,
applied
to
a
rock
in
a
cleft
of
which
Samson
took
refuge
(Jg
15'),
whence
he
was
dislodged
by
the
Judahites
(v."),
and
therefore
presumably
in
Judahite
territory
(cf.
Ch
4=).
Also
applied
to
a
village
in
the
tribe
of
Simeon
(1
Ch
4"),
and
a
town
fortified
by
Rehoboam
(2
Ch
ll^).
Whether
there
are
here
one
or
two
or
three
places,
and
where
it
or
they
were,
are
unanswered
questions.
R.
A.
S.
Macalistek.
Ex
132",
Nu
33=;
the
next
station
to
Succoth
in
the
Exodus.
The
name
is
not
known
In
Egyptian.
It
lay
'
in
the
edge
of
the
wilderness,
'
evidently
at
the
E.
end
of
the
Wady
Tumilat,
and
probably
northward
of
the
'Red
Sea,'
whether
that
means
the
Bitter
Lakes
or
the
Gulf
of
Suez.
F.
Ll.
Griffith.
1.
'The
Ezrahlte'
of
4^1
and
Ps
(title).
In
the
first
of
these
passages
he
is
mentioned
along
with
other
contemporaries
(?)
of
Solomon,
who
were
all
surpassed
in
wisdom
by
the
Jewish
monarch.
In
Ch
he
is
said
to
have
been
a
Judtean
of
the
family
of
Zerah,
which
is
prob.
another
form
of
Eisrah
(hence
the
patronymic
Earahite).
Instead
of
'the
Ezrahite'
it
has
been
proposed
to
render
'ezrahl
of
'the
native,'
i.e.
the
Israelite,
in
opposition
to
some
of
the
other
wise
men
named,
who
were
foreigners.
2.
An
ancestor
of
Asaph
(1
Ch
6«).
In
v.a
he
is
called
Joah.
3.
The
eponymous
ancestor
of
a
guild
of
Temple-singers
(1
Ch
6"
15"-
"
etc).
(1
8^).—
See
Time.
One
of
the
'swift
scribes'
who
wrote
to
the
dictation
of
Ezra
(2
Es
1^).
('with
Baal,'
i.e.
enjoying
his
favour
and
protection).
—
King
of
the
Sidonians,
and
father
of
Jezebel,
wife
of
Ahab
king
of
Israel
(1
16").
(Jos
15«
19').—
town
of
Judah
noticed
with
Libnah,
apparently
near
the
plain
of
PhiUstia,
given
to
Simeon,
and
near
Rimmon.
The
site
is
un-known.
The
present
article
will
be
confined
to
Biblical
Ethics.
As
there
is
no
systematic
presentation