
Dictionary of the Bible


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had behaved ill (of. 20=^-" with Jer 2'). Jerusalem to him almost synonymous with the nation was pagan in origin and character (16). The root of their wicked-ness was an inveterate love of idolatry (passim). Even Eaekiel's own contemporaries longed to be heathens: their God could hold them back only by extreme violence (2032-"). The exiles were somewhat less guilty than their brethren in Jerusalem (li^'). But, on the whole, princes, priests, and people were an abandoned race. They loved the worship of the high places, which, according to Ezekiel, had always been Idolatrous and illegitimate. They ate flesh with the blood in it, dis-regarded the Sabbath, polluted the Temple with cere-monial and moral defilements, committed adultery and other sexual abominations, were guilty of murder, oppression, the exaction of usury, harshness to debtors. The Ust can be paralleled from other Prophetic writings, but the stress is here laid on offences against God. And this is in accordance with the strong light in which Ezekiel always sees the Divine claims. The vision with which the whole opens points to His transcendent majesty. The title, ' son of man,' by which the prophet is addressed 116 times, marks the gulf between the creature and his Maker. The most regrettable result of Israel's calamities is that they seem to suggest im-potence on Jahweh's part to protect His own. The motive which has induced Him to spare them hitherto, and will, hereafter, ensure their restoration, is the desire to vindicate His own glory. In the ideal future the prince's palace shall be built at a proper distance from Jahweh's, and not even the prince shall ever pass through the gate which has been hallowed by the returning glory of the Lord. Hence it is natural that the reformation and restoration of Israel are God's work. He will sprinkle clean water on them, give them a new heart, produce in them humility and self-loathing. He will destroy their foes and bless their land with supernatural fertility. It was He who had sought amongst them in vain for one who might be their Saviour. It was He who in His wrath had caused them to immolate their children in sacrifice. God is all in all. Yet the people have their part to play. Ezekiel protests against the traditional notion that the present generation were suffering for their ancestors' faults: to acquiesce in that is to deaden the^ense of responsibihty and destroy the springs of action! Here he joins hands with Jer. (Jer SP"), both alike coming to close quarters with the individual conscience. He pushes almost too far the truth that a change of conduct brings a change of fortune (33"-i»). But there is immense practical value in his insistence on appropriate action, his appeal to the individual, and the tenderness of the appeal (IS^^' " 33"). Nowhere is Jahweh's longing for the deUverance of His people more pathetically expressed. And, notwithstanding their continual wrong-doing, the bond of union is so close that He resents as a personal wrong the spitefulness of their neighbours (25-32. 36). The heathen, as such, have no future, although individual heathen settlers will share the common privileges (47"').

The concluding chapters, 40-48, 'the weightiest in the book,' are a carefully elaborated sketch of the polity of repatriated Israel Israel, i.e , not as a nation, but as an ecclesiastical organization. In the fore-ground is the Temple and its services. Its position, surroundings, size, arrangements, are minutely detailed; even the place and number of the tables on which the victims must be slain are settled. The ordinances respecting the priesthood are precise; none but the Zadokites may officiate; priests who had ministered outside Jerusalem are reduced to the menial duties of the sanctuary (cf. Dt 18'). Adequate provision is made for the maintenance of the legitimate priests. Rules are laid down to ensure their ceremonial purity. The office of high priest is not recognized. And there Is no real king. In ch. 37 the ruler, of David's line.



seems to count for something; not so here. True, he is warned against oppressing his subjects (45' 46"-'*), but he has no political rdle. A domain is set apart to provide him a revenue, and his chief function is to supply the sacrifices for the festivals. The country is divided into equal portions, one for each tribe, all of whorn are brought back to the Holy Land. No land is to be permanently alienated from the family to which it was assigned. God's glory returns to the remodelled and rebuilt sanctuary, and Ezekiel's prophecy reaches its cUmax in the concluding words, 'The name of the city from that day shall be, Jahweh is there.' It would be difficult to exaggerate the effect which this Utopia has produced. Some details, such as the equal division of the land, the arrangements respecting the position and revenue of the prince, the relation of the tribes to the city, were impracticable. But the limitation of the priesthood to a particular class, the introduction of a much more scrupulous avoidance of ceremonial defilement, the eradication of pagan elements of worship, the exclusion of all rival objects of worship, went a long way towards creating Judaism. And whilst this has been the practical result, the chapters in question, together with Ezekiel's visions of the chariot and cherubim, have had no little infiuence in the symbolism and imaginative presentment of Jewish apocalyptic literature and Christian views of the unseen world.

2. Style. Notwithstanding the favourable opinion of Schiller, who wished to learn Heb. in order to read Ezekiel, it is impossible to regard this prophet as one of the greatest masters of style. His prolixity has been adduced as a proof of advanced age. Repeti-tions abound. Certain words and formulas recur with wearisome frequency: 'I, Jahweh, have spoken,' 'They shall know that I am Jahweh' (66 times), 'Time of the iniquity of the end,' ' A desolation and an astonish-ment'; Ezekiel's favourite word for "idols' is used no fewer than 38 times. The book abounds in imagery, but this suffers from the juxtaposition of incongruous elements (17'-= 32^), a mixture of the figurative and the literal (31'"), inaptness (11' 15'-s): that in chs. 16 and 23 is oflfensive to Western but probably not to Eastern taste; that of the Introductory Vision was partly suggested by the composite forms seen in the temples and palaces of Babylonia, and is difficult to conceive of as a harmonious whole. But as a rule Ezekiel sees very distinctly the things he is dealing with, and there-fore describes them clearly. Nothing could be more forcible than his language concerning the sins that prevailed. The figures of 29"- 34'-" 37'-" are very telling. There is genuine lyric force in 27«-'2 32"-»2, and other dirges; there is a charming idyllic picture in 34a-". The abundant use of symbolic actions claims notice. Ezekiel's ministry opens with a rough drawing on a tile, and no other prophet resorted so often to like methods of instruction.

3. Text, integrity, and canonicity. Ezekiel shares with Samuel the unenviable distinction of having the most corrupt text in the OT. Happily the LXX, and in a minor degree the Targum and the Pesh., enable us to make many indisputable corrections. Parallel texts, internal probability, and conjecture have also contrib-uted to the necessary reconstruction, but there remain no small number of passages where it is impossible to be certain. The integrity of the book admits of no serious question. Here and there an interpolation may be recognized, as at 24i»'- 27ii'>-»». One brief section was inserted by the prophet out of its chrono-logical order (29"-2»). But the work as a whole is Ezekiel's own arrangement of the memoranda which had accumulated year after year. Although the Rabbis never doubted this, Ezekiel narrowly escaped exclusion from the Canon. Chag., 13o, informs us that but for a certam Hananiah it 'would have been withdrawn from public use, because the prophet's words contradict those of the Law.' Mistrust was also aroused by the