some
names
here
also
have
been
omitted,
for
in
Mt.
ten
generations
are
spread
over
nearly
years,
while
Lk.
gives
nineteen
generations
for
the
same
period.
The
Mt.
genealogy
ends
with
Matthan,
Jacob,
Joseph.
(6)
The
Lukan
list,
which
inverts
the
order,
beginning
at
Jesus
and
ending
at
Adam,
takes
the
line
from
Adam
to
Abraham,
from
Gn
5.
10»-25
(to
Peleg),
Ch
1'-",
but
inserts
Cainan
between
Arphaxad
and
Shelah,
as
does
the
in
Gn.
and
Ch.;
it
practically
agrees
with
Mt.
(see
above)
from
Abraham
to
David,
but
then
gives
the
line
to
Shealtiel
through
David's
son
Nathan,
making
Shealtiel
the
son
of
Neri,
not
of
king
Jechoniah
(see
below).
The
names
between
Nathan
and
Shealtiel
are
not
derived
from
the
and
those
be-tween
Zerubbabel
and
Joseph
are
otherwise
unknown
to
us,
unless,
as
Hummer
supposes
(7CC,
'
St.
Luke,'
p.
104,)
Joanan
(Lk
3^'
=
Hananiah
son
of
Zerubbabel
(1
Ch
3")
—
the
name
Rhesa
being
really
a
title
('
Zerub-babel
Rhesa'
=
'Z.
the
prince'),
misunderstood
by
some
copyist
before
Lk.
—
and
Joda
(Lk
3^*
=
Abiud
(Mt
li')=Hodaviah
(1
Ch
S'*
a
descendant
of
Zerubbabel,
not
son
of
Hananiah).
Some
think
that
Matthat
(Lk
3")=Matthan
(Mt
1«).
.
Reason
of
the
differences
.
—
It
is
not
enough
merely
to
say
that
theories
which
endeavour
to
harmonize
the
four
Gospels
are
failures,
and
that,
as
is
shown
in
art.
Gospels,
(6),
Mt.
and
Lk.
wrote
each
without
knowing
the
work
of
the
other.
We
have
to
consider
why
two
independent
writers,
both
professing
to
give
our
Lord's
genealogy,
produced
such
different
lists.
Jewish
genealogies
were
frequently
artificial;
that
of
Mt.
is
obviously
so;
for
example,
its
omissions
were
apparently
made
only
so
as
to
produce
an
equality
between
the
three
divisions.
Burkitt
(Evangdion
da-Mepharreshe,
ii.
260f.)
and
Allen
(.ICC,
'St.
Matthew,'
p.
2fE.)
think
that
Mt.
compiled
his
genealogy
for
the
purpose
of
his
Gospel.
The
details
about
Tamar,
Rahab,
Ruth,
Bathsheba,
not
to
be
expected
in
a
genealogy,
but
suitable
for
that
purpose
(see
below),
and
the
artificial
divisions,
seem
to
point
to
this
view.
The
object
of
the
Mt.
genealogy
would
be
to
refute
an
early
Jewish
slander
that
Jesus
was
born
out
of
wedlock
—
a
slander
certainly
known
to
Celsus
in
the
2nd
cent.
(Origen,
c.
Cds.
i.
etc.).
In
this
connexion
Burkitt
(I.e.)
shows
that
Mt.
1.
are
by
the
same
hand
as
the
rest
of
the
Gospel
(see
also
Hawkins,
HorcB
SynopticcB,
p.
4ff.).
This
view
may,
however,
perhaps
be
modified
a
little
by
the
hypothesis
that
the
Mt.
list
is
due
to
a
Christian
predecessor
of
the
First
Evangelist,
perhaps
to
one
of
his
sources;
this
modification
would
allow
for
the
corruption
of
JehoiaUm
and
Jehoiacbin
(above,
1).
In
any
case,
in
spite
of
the
argument
to
the
contrary
by
Bacon
in
Hastings'
ii.
139,
we
must
probably
agree
with
Westcott
(.NT
in
Greek^,
ii.
141),
Barnard
(Hastings'
i.
638),
AUen,
and
Burkitt,
that
the
word
'begat'
In
this
list
expresses
legal
heirship
and
not
physical
descent.
The
same
is
true
in
some
cases
in
Chronicles.
Mt.
clearly
believed
in
the
Virgin
Birth,
and
puts
the
genealogy
immediately
before
the
assertion
of
it;
if
physical
descent
is
intended,
the
genealogy
through
Joseph
is
unmeaning.
He
wishes
to
prove
that
Jesus
is
legally
descended
from
David,
and
there-fore
gives
the
'throne
succession,'
the
Ust
of
regal
heirs.
On
the
other
hand,
it
may
be
supposed
that
Lk.
states
Jesus'
heirship
by
giving
Joseph's
actual
physical
descent
according
to
some
genealogy
pre-served
in
the
family.
According
to
this
view,
Joseph
was
really
the
son
of
Heli
(Lk
Z^)
but
the
legal
heir
of
Jacob
(Mt
1").
It
is
not
difficult
to
understand
why
Shealtiel
and
Zerubbabel
appear
in
both
lists.
Jechoniah
was
childless,
or
at
least
his
heirs
died
out
(Jer
22^-
'»),
and
Shealtiel,
though
called
his
'son'
in
Ch
3",
was
probably
only
his
legal
heir,
being
son
of
Neri
(Lk
3^').
This
theory
is
elaborated
by
Lord
A.
Hervey,
Bishop
of
Bath
and
Wells
(The
Genealogies
of
our
Lord,
1853,
and
in
Smith's
DB').
The
reason
of
the
insertion
of
the
names
of
the
four
women
in
the
Mt.
list
is
not
quite
obvious.
It
has
been
suggested
that
the
object
was
to
show
that
God
accepts
penitents
and
strangers
.
Burkitt,
with
more
probability,
supposes
that
the
mention
of
the
heira
being
born
out
of
the
direct
lire
or
irregularly
is
intended
to
prepare
us
for
the
still
greater
irregularity
at
the
last
stage,
for
the
Virgin
Birth
of
Jesus
(l.c.
p.
260).
We
note
that
in
the
Rahab
is
not
said
to
have
been
the
wife
of
Salmon
as
in
Mt.
1'.
.
Other
solutions
.—(a)
Af
ricanus,
perhaps
the
earliest
writer
to
discuss
Biblical
questions
in
a
critical
manner
(c.
A.D.
220),
treats
of
these
genealogies
in
his
Letter
to
Arislides
(Euseb.
i.
7,
vi.
31).
He
harmonizes
them
(expressly,
however,
not
as
a
matter
of
tradition)
on
the
theory
of
levlrate
marriages,
supposing
that
two
half-brothers,
sons
of
different
fathers,
married
the
same
woman,
and
that
the
issue
of
the
second
marriage
was
therefore
legally
accounted
to
the
elder,
but
physically
to
the
younger
brother.
It
is
a
difficulty
that
two,
or
even
three,
such
marriages
must
be
supposed
in
the
list;
and
this
theory
is
almost
universally
rejected
by
moderns.
Africauus
had
no
doubt
that
both
genealogies
were
Joseph's.
Africanus
says
that
Herod
the
Great
destroyed
all
the
Jewish
genealogies
kept
in
the
archives,
so
as
to
hide
his
own
ignoble
descent,
but
that
not
a
few
had
private
records
of
their
own
(Euseb.
i.
7).
Here
clearly
Africanus
ex-aggerates.
Josephus
says
that
his
own
genealogy
was
given
in
the
public
records,
and
that
the
priests'
pedigrees,
even
among
Jews
of
the
Disperaion,
were
carefully
preserved
(Life,
1,
c.
Ap.
i.
7).
Tnere
is
no
reaaon
why
Lk.
should
not
have
found
a
genealogy
in
Joseph's
family.
Africauus
says
that
our
Lord's
relatives,
called
desposyni,
prided
themselves
on
preserving
the
memory
of
their
noble
descent.
(6)
more
modern
theory,
expounded
by
Weiss,
but
first
by
Annius
of
Viterbo
(c.
a.d.
1490),
is
that
Mt.
gives
Joseph's
pedigree,
Lk.
Mary's.
It
is
necessary
on
this
theory
to
render
Lk
3^
thus:
'being
the
son
(as
was
supposed)
of
Joseph
[but
really
the
grandson]
of
Heli
.
'
This
translation
is
rightly
pronounced
by
Hummer
to
be
incredible
(l.c.
p.
103);
and
a
birthright
derived
through
the
mother
would
be
'quite
out
of
harmony
with
either
Jewish
ideas
or
Gentile
ideas.'
The
im-portant
thing
was
to
state
Jesus'
birthright,
and
the
only
possible
way
to
do
this
would
be
through
Joseph.
It
must,
however,
be
added
that
Joseph
and
Mary
were
probably
near
relations.
We
cannot,
indeed,
say
with
Eusebius
i.
7)
that
they
must
have
been
of
the
same
tribe,
because
'
intermarriages
between
different
tribes
were
not
permitted.'
He
is
evidently
referring
to
Nu
36^'-,
but
this
relates
only
to
heiresses,
who,
if
they
married
out
of
their
tribe,
would
forfeit
their
inheritance.
Mary
and
Elisabeth
were
kinswomen
,
though
the
latter
was
descended
from
Aaron
(Lk
1'
36).
But
it
was
undoubtedly
the
belief
of
the
early
Christians
that
Jesus
was
descended,
according
to
the
flesh,
from
David,
and
was
of
the
tribe
of
Judah
(Ac
2'"
13^3,
Ro
1',
Ti
2»,
He
7",
Rev
5*
22W;
cf
.
Mk
10<'
11'").
At
the
same
time
it
is
noteworthy
that
our
Lord
did
not
base
His
claims
on
His
Davidic
descent.
In
the
Testaments
of
the
Twelve
Patriarchs,
an
apocryphal
work
written
in
its
present
form
c.
A.n.
120,
we
find
(Sym.
7,
Gad,
8)
the
idea
that
the
Lord
should
'
raise
(one)
from
Levi
as
priest
and
from
Judah
as
king.
Cod
and
man,
—
an
Infer-ence,
as
Sanday-Headlam
remark
'Romans,'
p.
7),
from
Lk
1".
4.
The
Matthsean
text.
—
In
Mt
1"
the
reading
of
almost
all
Greek
attested
by
TertulUan,
is
that
of
'Jacob
begat
Joseph
the
husband
of
Mary,
of
whom
was
born
Jesus,'
etc.
The
lately
discovered
Sinaitic-Syriac
palimpsest
has
'Jacob
begat
Joseph:
Joseph,
to
whom
was
betrothed
Mary
the
Virgin,
begat
Jesus.'
This
reading
is
carefully
discussed
by
Prof.
Burkitt
(l.c.
p.
ff.),
who
thinks
that
it
is
not
original,
but
derived
from
a
variant
of
the
ordinary
text:
'Jacob
begat
Joseph,
to
whom
being
betrothed
the
Virgin
Mary
bare
[lit.
begat,
as
oftenj
Jesus'
[this
is
questioned
by
Allen,
l.c.
p.
8].
On
the
other
hand,
it
has
been
suggested
that
the
Sinaitic
palimpsest
has
the
original
reading
of
a
source
of
our
Mt.
which
did
not