Simon
the
Maecabee
(1
Mac
162),
commonly
known
as
John
Hyrcanus,
and
described
as
'a
(valiant)
man'
(1
Mac
13").
See
Maccabees,
§
5.
6.
The
father
of
Simon
Peter
(Jn
1«
2V^-"
Jonas),
who
is
called
in
Mt
16'
Bar-Jona(h)
.
In
the
latter
passage
the
form
Jonas
may
be
a
contraction
for
Joanes,
or
possibly
Peter's
father
had
two
names,
as
in
the
case
of
Saul
—
Paul.
7.0neofthehigh-priestlyfamily(Ac#).
S.John
Mark
(see
Mark).
9.
10.
For
the
Baptist
and
the
Apostle
see
the
following
two
articles.
The
single
narrative
of
John's
birth
and
circumcision
(Lk
1)
states
that,
as
the
child
of
promise
(v."),
he
was
born
in
'a
city
of
Judah'
(v.==),
when
his
parents
were
old
(v.').
They
were
both
of
priestly
descent
(v.s),
and
his
mother
was
a
kinswoman
of
the
mother
of
Jesus
(v.").
John
was
a
Nazirite
from
his
birth
(v.");
he
developed
self-reliance
in
his
lonely
home,
and
learnt
the
secret
of
spiritual
strength
as
he
communed
with
God
in
the
solitudes
of
the
desert
(v."").
In
the
Judsean
wilderness
—
the
wild
waste
which
Ues
to
the
west
of
the
Dead
Sea
—
this
Elijah-hke
prophet
(v.")
'on
rough
food
throve';
but,
notwithstanding
his
ascetic
affinities
with
the
Essenes,
he
was
not
a
vegetarian,
his
diet
consisting
of
edible
locusts
(Lv
11^2)
as
well
as
the
vegetable
honey
which
exudes
from
fig-trees
and
palms
(Mt
3').
For
this
and
for
other
reasons
—
as,
e.g.,
his
zeal
as
a
social
reformer,
—
John
cannot
be
called
an
Essene
(Graetz).
It
was
not
from
these
'Pharisees
in
the
superlative
degree'
(SchUrer)
that
the
last
of
the
prophets
learnt
his
message.
His
familiarity
with
the
is
proved
by
his
frequent
use
of
its
picturesque
language
(Lk
3",
cf.
Am
9',
Is
66«;
Jn
1^,
cf.
Is
40=;
Jn
V,
cf.
Is
S3',
Ex
29'«
12'),
but
he
heard
God's
voice
in
nature
as
well
as
in
His
word:
as
he
brooded
on
the
signs
of
the
times,
the
barren
trees
of
the
desert,
fit
only
for
burning,
and
the
vipers
fleeing
before
the
flaming
scrub,
became
emblems
of
the
nation's
peril
and
lent
colour
to
his
warnings
of
impending
wrath
(cf.
G.
A.
Smith,
p.
495).
In
the
wilderness
'
the
word
of
God
came
unto
John
'
(Lk
32).
The
phrase
impUes
(1
IS'"
etc.)
that,
after
more
than
three
centuries
of
silence,
the
voice
of
a
prophet
was
to
be
heard
in
the
land,
and
the
Synoptic
Gospels
(Mt
31-",
Mk
I'-s,
Lk
3'-=»)
tell
of
the
stirring
effects
of
his
preaching
in
ever-
widening
circles
(Mt
3'),
and
give
a
summary
of
his
message.
It
is
probable
that,
in
the
course
of
his
successful
six
months'
ministry,
John
moved
northwards
along
the
then
more
thickly
populated
valley
of
the
Jordan,
proclaiming
the
coming
of
the
Kingdom
to
the
crowds
that
flocked
to
hear
him
from
'the
whole
region
circumjacent
to
Jordan'
(Lk
3');
once
at
least
(Jn
10")
he
crossed
the
river
(cf.
Sanday,
Sacred
Sites
of
the
Gospel,
p.
f.;
Warfleld,
Expositor,
[1885]
i.
p.
£f.;
and
see
Bethany,
Salim).
'The
kingdom
of
heaven
is
at
hand'
(Mt
3^)
was
the
Baptist's
theme,
but
on
his
lips
the
proclama-tion
became
a
warning
that
neither
descent
from
Abraham
nor
Pharisaic
legalism
would
constitute
a
title
to
the
blessings
of
the
Messianic
age,
and
that
it
is
vain
for
a
nation
to
plead
privilege
when
its
sins
have
made
it
ripe
for
judgment.
There
is
a
Pauline
ring
in
the
stern
reminder
that
Abraham's
spiritual
seed
may
spring
from
the
stones
of
paganism
(Lk
3*,
but
also
Mt
39,
cf.
Ro
4"
9',
Gal
42').
On
the
universality
of
the
coming
judgment
is
based
John's
call
to
repentance
addressed
to
all
men
without
respect
of
persons.
The
axe
already
'laid
to
the
root
of
the
trees'
(Lk
3»)
will
spare
those
bringing
forth
good
fruit,
and
not
those
growing
in
favoured
enclosures.
Soldiers,
publicans,
and
inquirers
of
different
classes
are
taught
how
practical
and
how
varied
are
the
good
works
in
which
the
'fruits'
of
repentance
are
seen
(Lk
3™).
The
baptism
of
John
was
the
declaration
unto
all
men,
by
means
of
a
symbolic
action,
that
the
condi-tion
of
entrance
into
God's
Kingdom
is
the
putting
away
of
sin.
It
was
a
'repentance-baptism,'
and
its
purpose
was
'remission
of
sins'
(Mk
1')
[Weiss
regards
this
statement
as
a
Christianized
version
of
John's
baptism,
but
Bruce
(,EGT,
in
loc.)
agrees
with
Holtzmann
that
forgiveness
is
implied
'
if
men
really
repented
'].
John's
baptism
was
no
copying
of
Essene
rites,
and
it
had
a
deeper
ethical
significance
than
the
'divers
washings'
of
the
ceremonial
law.
It
has
close
and
suggestive
affinities
with
the
prophet's
teaching
in
regard
to
spiritual
cleansing
(Is
1",
Ezk
362*,
Zee
13"),
the
truth
expressed
in
their
metaphorical
language
being
trans-lated
by
him
into
a
striking
symbolic
act;
but
John's
baptism
has
most
definite
coimexion
with
the
baptism
of
proselytes,
which
was
the
rule
in
Israel
before
his
days
(Schtlrer,
11.
f.).
John
sought
'to
make
men
"proselytes
of
righteousness"
in
a
new
and
higher
order.
He
came,
as
Jesus
once
said,
"in
the
way
of
righteousness";
and
the
righteousness
he
wished
men
to
possess
.
.
.
did
not
consist
in
mere
obedience
to
the
law
of
a
carnal
commandment,
but
in
repent-ance
towards
God
and
deUberate
self-consecration
to
His
kingdom'
(Lambert,
The
Sacraments
in
the
p.
62).
When
Jesus
was
baptized
of
John
(Mt
S^^-,
Mk
V-,
Lk
321'),
He
did
not
come
confessing
sin
as
did
all
other
men
(Mt
3');
the
act
marked
His
consecra-tion
to
His
Messianic
work,
and
His
identification
of
Himself
with
sinners.
It
was
part
of
His
fulfilment
of
all
righteousness
(v.''),
and
was
followed
by
His
anointing
with
the
Holy
Spirit.
John
knew
that
his
baptism
was
to
prepare
the
way
for
the
coming
of
a
'mightier'
than
he,
who
would
baptize
with
the
Holy
Spirit
(Mk
l^).
But
after
Pentecost
there
were
disciples
who
had
not
advanced
beyond
the
Baptist's
point
of
view,
and
were
unaware
that
the
Holy
Spirit
had
been
poured
out
(Ac
IS^s
19"-).
The
narrative
in
Jn
1'*-''
assumes
as
well
known
the
Synoptic
account
of
John's
activity
as
evangelist
and
baptizer
(v.^*').
From
what
John
heard
and
saw
at
the
baptism
of
Jesus,
and
from
intercourse
with
Jesus,
he
had
learnt
that
his
mission
was
not
only
to
announce
the
Messiah's
coming,
and
to
prepare
His
way
by
calling
men
to
repent,
but
also
to
point
Him
out
to
men.
Many
critics
regard
the
words,
'Behold
the
Lamb
of
God,
which
taketh
away
the
sin
of
the
world'
(v.^^),
aa
inconsistent
with
John's
later
question,
'
Art
thou
he
that
Cometh,
or
look
we
for
another?'
(Mt
ll');
but
if
John
learnt
from
Jesus
what
was
His
ideal
of
the
Messiah's
work,
it
may
well
be,
as
Garvie
says,
'that
Jesus
for
a
time
at
least
raised
John's
mind
to
the
height
of
His
own
insight;
that
when
the
influence
of
Jesus
was
withdrawn,
John
relapsed
to
his
own
familiar
modes
of
thought;
and
that
the
answer
of
Jesus
by
the
two
disciples
.
.
.
was
a
kindly
reminder'
of
an
earlier
conversation
{Expositor,
vi.
[1902]
v.
375).
This
heightened
sense
of
the
glory
of
Jesus
was
ac-companied
by
a
deepening
humility
in
John's
estimate
of
his
own
function
as
the
Messiah's
forerunner.
In
his
last
testimony
^to
Jesus
(Jn
3^")
'
the
friend
of
the
bridegroom'
is
saidT^^ave
rejoiced
greatly
as
he
heard
the
welcome
tidinesMfaat
men
were
coming
to
Jesus
:ulogy
when
Jesus
said,
'John
the
truth'
(Jn
5");
but
it
aim
that
the
lowlier
members
is
bride,
enjoy
greater
spiritual
privileges
than
he
who!
in
spite
of
his
own
disclaimer
(Jn
121),
^as
truly
tlife
Elijah
foretold
by
Malachi
(Mt
11";
cf.
Mai
4'),
—
the
herald
of
the
day
of
which
he
saw
only
the
dawn.
It
was
not
John's
fault
that
in
the
early
Church
there
were
some
who
attached
undue
importance
to
his
teaching
and
failed
to
recognize
the
unique
glory
of
Jesus
—
the
Light
to
whom
he
bore
faithful
witness
(Jn
1").
The
Synoptic
narrative
of
the
imprisonment
and
murder
of
John
yields
incidental
evidence
of
his
great-ness
as
a
prophet.
There
were
some
who
accounted
(v.2").
It
was
a
higl
hath
borne
witness
also
impUed
the
high
of
the
Church,
which
is'