
Dictionary of the Bible


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forms. That this endowment does not mean the es-sential gift of spiritual life, but some kind of 'mani-festation' (1 Co 12'), is proved when Ac 9" ('filled with the Holy Ghost') is compared with Ac 2', and when 8"' " is read in the light of the request of Simon Magus (v.isff), and 19' in the light of 19=. The case of Ananias and Saul (9") further proves that the laying on of hands for this purpose was not a peculiar Apostolic prerogative,

4. In four passages the laying on of hands is referred to in connexion with an act that corresponds to ordination (the word in its ecclesiastical sense does not occur in NT. ' Ordained ' in Ac 14^3 should be ' elected ' or ' appointed '; see RV). The Seven, after being chosen by the multi-tude, were appointed to office by the Apostles, with prayer and the laying on of hands (Ac 6*). The ■prophets and teachers' of the Church at Antioch 'separated' Barnabas and Saul for their missionary work by laying their hands on them with fasting and prayer (13=). Timothy received the 'gracious gift' which was in him with the laying on of the hands of a body of elders (see art. Presbytery), with which St. Paul himself was associated (cf. 1 Ti 4" with 2 Ti 1«). Timothy's 'gracious gift' probably means his special fitness to be St. Paul's companion in the work of a mis-sionary evangeUst (see Hort, Chr. Ecclesia, p. 184 ff.).

5. Of the manner in which deacons and elders or bishops were set apart to office no Information is given in NT. The injunction, ' Lay hands suddenly on no man ' (1 Ti 5®), has often been supposed to refer to the act of ordination; but the fact that the whole passage (vv.19-25) deals with offenders points rather to the imposition of hands in the restoration of the penitent (cf, 2 Co 2i"-, Gal 6'), a custom that certainly prevailed in the early Church at a later time. The fact, however, that Jewish Rabbis employed this rite when a disciple was authorized to teach, favours the view that it was commonly practised in the Apostolic Church, as it was almost universally in the post-ApostoUc, in consecration to ministerial office. But the silence of the NT at this point is against the supposition that the rite was regarded as an essential channel of ministerial grace, or anything more than the outward and appropriate symbol of an act of intercessory prayer (see Mt 19'^ Ac 6' 13' 28'; and cf . Augustine, de Baptismo, ill. 16, ' What else is the laying on of hands than a prayer over one?'). See, further, art. Bishop. J. C. Lambekt.

IiAZABUS. A common Jewish name, a colloquial abbreviation of Eleazar.

1 . The brother of Martha and Mary, the friend of Jesus (Jn 11'' "• 3*, where 'love' and 'friend' represent the same root in Greek). The family lived at Bethany, a village within two miles of Jerusalem just over the brow of Olivet. Lazarus was the subject of the greatest miracle of the Gospel story (Jn 11'-"). In the last year of His ministry Jesus sojourned at .Jerusalem from the Feast of Tabernacles in October to that of the Dedication in December; and, on being driven out by the violence of the rulers (Jn 10"' ''), He retired to 'Bethany beyond Jordan' (10«; cf. 1^ RV). A crowd foUowed Him thither, and in the midst of His beneficent activities of teaching and healing tidings reached Him that His friend had fallen sick. He might have responded immediately to the sisters' appeal either by hastening to their home and laying His hand on the sick man, or by sending forth His word of power and healing him across the intervening distance of some twenty miles (cf. Jn 4"-", Mt 15" -2' = Mk 7"-'°). But He did neither; He remained where He was for two days, until Lazarus was dead. He desired not only to manifest His power to His friends, but to make a signal appeal to impenitent Jerusalem, by working a miracle which would attest His Messiahship beyond all question.

At length He set forth. If the messenger started in the morning, he would reach Jesus the same evening.



Jesus stayed two days, and setting out early would arrive on the evening of the fourth day. Thus on His arrival Lazarus had been dead four days (v.^'). In that sultry climate burial followed immediately on death, and it some-times happened that a swoon was mistaken for death, and the buried man came to life again. The Jewish belief was that the soul hovered about the sepulchre for three days, fain to re-animate its clay. On the fourth day decomposition set in, and hope was then abandoned. Jesus arrived on the fourth day, and there was no doubt of the reality of Lazarus' death and of the ensuing miracle. It was not a recovery from a trance, but a veritable resurrection. He went to the rock-hewn sepulchre, and in presence of the sisters and a large company of mourners, including many of the rulers who had come from the adjacent capital to testify their esteem for the good Lazarus and their sympathy with Martha and Mary (v."), summoned the dead man forth and restored him, alive and well, to his home. It was a startling miracle. It made a profound impression on the multitude, but it only exasperated the rulers. They convened a meeting of the Sanhedrin and determined to put Jesus to death (vv."-'^).

He retired to Ephraim near the frontier of Samaria, and stayed there until the Passover drew near; then He set out for Jerusalem to keep the Feast and to die. Six days before it began (Jn 12'), He reached Bethany, and despite the Sanhedrin's decree He received a great ovation. He was honoured with a banquet in the house of one of the leading men of the village, Simon, who had been a leper and had probably been healed by Jesus (Jn 122-"=Mt 26«-"=Mk 14s-9). Lazarus was one of the company. The news of His arrival at Bethany reached Jerusalem, and next day the multitude thronged out and escorted Him in triumph into the city. It was the raising of Lazarus that excited their enthusiasm (Jn 129- !'■ 18).

After this Lazarus appears no more in the Gospel story. Surely he of all men should have stood by Jesus at His trial and crucifixion; and the explanation of his absence is probably that lie had been forced to flee. Observing the popular enthusiasm, the infuriated rulers had determined to put him also to death (Jn 12'°- "). He would withdraw more tor Jesus' sake than for his own. His presence only increased the Master's danger.

2. The beggar in oxir Lord's parable (Lk 16"-"). This is the only instance where Jesus gives a name to a parabolic character, and there was an idea in early times that it was not a parable but a story from real Ufe. A name was found also for the rich man Nineiris or Phinees. He is often styled Dives, but this is merely Latin for 'the Rich Man.' In fact, however, Lazarus is less a name than a definition. It means 'God has helped'; and Jesus calls the beggar Lazarus by way of indicating what commended him to God. He was not only poor but also diseased. It is, however, a mistaken notion that he was a leper (hence lazzeretto, lazar-house), for then he must have kept afar off and durst not have lain at the rich man's gateway.

The parable is a drama with two scenes: (1) The conditions of the Rich Man and the Beggar here the former with his mansion, his fine clothing, his sumptuous table; and the latter lying at his gateway, full of sores, with none to tend him, hungrily eyeing the feast, and glad of any scraps that were flung to him. (2) Their conditions hereafter a striking reversal: Lazarus in Abraham's bosom, i.e. the place of honour (cf. Jn IS^"), at the heavenly feast; the Rich Man in Hades, thirsting for a drop of water.

The parable is clothed with Jewish imagery. ' Hell ' in v.^ is Hades, the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew Sheol, the unseen world, where, according to Jewish theology, all souls, good and bad alike, had their abode and received their due reward. It was an aggravation of the misery of the wicked that they had the felicity of the righteous continually in view (cf. Rev 14i<i). A feast, with Abraham the father of the faithful presiding, was the Jewish ideal of the felicity