
Dictionary of the Bible


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Syria, Persia, Armenia, and other parts of Asia. By tlie Greelts tliis goddess was identified sometimes with Artemis, sometimes with Aphrodite. She seems to have represented the productive powers of nature. In 2 Mac I'o-" we have a legendary account of the death of Antiochus Epiphanes, who is said to have attempted to plunder a temple of Nansea in Persia, and to have been treacherously killed In the temple by the priests.

NAOMI.— The wife of Elimelech the Ephrathite, of Beth-lehem-judah, who was driven by famine into the land of Moab. After the death of her husband and her two sons, she returned, accompanied by Ruth, to her own land. Her return was a matter of surprise to the people of Bethlehem, and they said, 'Is this Naomi?' Her answer included a double play of words on her own name, 'Call me not Naomi ('pleasant'), call me Mara ('bitter'): for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me . , . why call ye me Naomi, seeing the Lord hath testified i'anOh) against me?' (Ru l^-").

NAPHISH.— A son of Ishmael (Gn 25" = 1 Ch 1"). In all probability it is his descendants who are men-tioned in Ezr 25° as 'the children of Nephisim' (RV) or Nephusim (AV and RVm). In the parallel passage (Neh7''')thereadingisNephu5hesim(RV)orNephishesim (AV and RVm). The reading in 1 Es S^' is Nephisi.

NAPHISI (1 Es 5^1) ^Nephisim, Ezr 2^°; Kephushesim, Neh 7«.

NAFHTALI. The second son of Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid, and the sixth son of Jacob (Gn 30"- [J]). The tradition connects the story in a vague way with the word 'twist, wrestle': NaphtuU 'elShlm niphtalti Wrestlings of God (or mighty wrestlings)—'! have wrestled with my sister and I have prevailed,' Rachel exclaimed when NaphtaU was born, 'and she called his name Naphtall.'

The information which we have of Naphtall is very meagre. P ascribes to him four sons when Jacob and his family entered Egypt (Gn 462'). These four have developed into 'famiUes' at the time of the Exodus, and their number is given as 53,400 in the Sinai census (Nu 1'"). At Moab, however, they had decreased to 45,000 (26'8). None of these clan-names given here, except Guni, appears again outside of the genealogy repeated in 1 Ch 7". In the march through the desert NaphtaU formed with Dan and Asher the 'Camp of Dan,' which constituted a total of 157,000 men of war.

While the genealogical lists cannot be relied on, there is no apparent reason for linking together Dan and NaphtaU. But that they are both traced to Bilhah indicates that they were tribes of minor importance, inferior in strength, and of less consequence in the national development at the time when these relation-ships were created, than the tribes which sprang from Rachel.

NaphtaU was the sixth in order to receive its lot (Jos 1932-'9). It is somewhat more definitely defined than the others, though few of the places mentioned can be identified. No fewer than nineteen cities are said to Ue vrithin its territory, the most of which are not found again in the OT, doubtless because the history of Israel was wrought out mainly in the regions to the south. The territory reached on the north almost to the Lebanon. Southward It extended along the Jordan until it reached the point below the Sea of Galilee where the Wady el-Bireh joins the Jordan. The greater part lay to the north-west of the Sea, and in this direction (N. and W.) its boundaries appear to have been shifting. 'Ancient and modern writers' (writes Driver, Deut. 413) 'vie with one another in praising the soil and climate of the territory owned by NaphtaU: it was abundantly irrigated; and its productions rich and varied. Lower GaUlee was, however, yet more fertile and beautiful than Upper

Galilee. The vegetation in the neighbourhood of the lake is semi-tropical.' Modern writers Join with Josephus in praising it, and Neubauer (Oeog. du Talm. p. 180) quotes a saying from the Talmud: ' It is easier to raise a legion of oUves in GaUlee than to bring up a child in Palestine.' No wonder .that Naphtali was 'Uke a hind let loose' (Gn 492', if this be the correct translation; see the Comm.). Besides these advantages, it was fortunate in location in times of peace. Roads ran in every direction, connecting it with the outer world.

The heroism and warUke daring of the tribe is sung in Jg 5. In that decisive struggle with the Canaanites the tribe wrote its name high on the roll of IsraeUtish fame. But this was in the days of its pristine vigour. At a later period it performed nothing worthy of record. The Blessings of Jacob (Gn 49^) and of Moses (Dt ZZ", 'Satisfied with favour, and full with the blessing of Jahweh') dwell only upon its productivity. The captain to whom the honour of leading the IsraeUtes to victory over the hosts of Sisera is ascribed in the prose narrative, Jg 4, was Barak of Kedesn-naphtaU. This is probable in view of the readiness with which Naphtali and Zebulun its neighbour responded to his caU, though Jg 5'* points rather to a connexion with Issachar. According to 1 K 7", Hiram, the worker in metals, etc., whom Solomon brought from Tyre to work on the house of Jahweh, was the son of a widow of the tribe of NaphtaU [2 Ch 2", it is true, says she was of Dan. The shifting of boundaries may be the cause of the divergence]. Few names of prominence, however, from members of this tribe appear in con-nexion with the national Ufe.

According to the Chronicler (1 Ch 12'') 37,000 warriors with 1000 captains went to the support of David at Hebron. Under the Syrian king Bir-idri (Benhadad), 'aU the land of NaphtaU,' together with certain cities of Israel, were smitten with the sword (1 K 15^°). When the Syrian kingdom teU before the Assyrian armies, northern Israel was exposed, as never before, to the relentless legions of the East; and 'in the days of Pekah, king of Israel, came Tiglath-pileser [iii. b.c.734], king of Assyria, and took Ijon, and Abel-beth-maacah, and Janoah, and Kedesh, and Haxor, and Gilead, and GaUlee, and aU the land of NaphtaU, and he carried them captive to Assyria' (2 K 15^'). See also Tribes.

James A. Craig.

NAPHTUHIM. Fourth son of Mizralm (Gn 10", 1 Ch 1"). Many suggestions have been made to account for the name, which does not appear exactly in Egyptian or Assyrian inscriptions, but in Ashurbanipal's Annals (col. !"■ °') a district Nathu, probably in Lower Egypt, occurs, which may be the same. An Egyptian n-idkw, 'the marshes,' used in contrast to Pathros, may be intended; but the discovery of Caphtor, so long a puzzle, may warn us to wait for further evidence. C. H. W. Johns.

NAPKIN (soudarion). The cloth in which the un-profitable servant wrapped the money of his lord (Lk 192»); used to bind the face of the dead (Jn 11" 20'); carried, possibly as indicated by the name (Lat. su-darium), to wipe off perspiration (Ac 19'^). The Arabic renders mandU, which may be either 'towel,' 'napkin,' 'veil,' or 'head-baud.' See also Dress, §§ 6 (a), 8.


NARCISSUS. St. Paul in his Epistle to the Romans (ch. 16") salutes, among others, 'them that be of the household of Narcissus that are in the Lord.' The name was not uncommon, but many have identified the person mentioned here with the secretary of the Emperor Claudius, who was put to death by Agrippina in the first year of Nero's reign, about three years before this Epistle was written. According to the custom of those times, the household of the freedman of Claudius would pass into the possession of Nero, retaining the name of their