
Dictionary of the Bible


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2 Co 2", Ac 20''), and he always found his own love reciprocated by the Church, and experienced a unique joy in their fellowship with him for the furtherance of the gospel (Ph 1'-*). The Apostle's ascendency in the Church was never questioned, as in Corinth. There were, it is true, rivalries in the congregation, especially. It would seem, among some of the active women of the Church, and St. Paul does not hesitate to use the most powerful of Christian motives to give force and direction to the shaft that he aims at discord (2'-"). But, unlike the Churches of Galatia, Philippi had not been disturbed by a severe attack from the Judaists, though the Apostle sees threatening indications of their approach (S^- 's'-). The Church was organized with bishops and deacons, from whom St. Paul seems to have received the people's gift (1'), which they sent by Epaphroditus, probably with a letter. In no part of his missionary field, so far as we know, did he find such a pure Christian lite. They were 'lights in the world' (2"- "), and the Apostle's 'joy and crown' (4').

2. Situation of St. Paul. The Apostle is a prisoner (17, IS. u. 17). It appears that his imprisonment had become more rigorous since the Philippians received their first word concerning him; and it must have been of some duration, because there had been several com-munications between them (225-'" 4"'). They are dis-tressed by the fear that the gospel will suffer through his strict confinement and possible martyrdom. But this imprisonment, instead of hindering the gospel, has really led to a more eager preaching of Christ by the Christians of the city of Rome. The motive of this increased activity wa.s sometimes an unworthy emulation of the Apostle, and there must have been those in the Church who refused to acknowledge his leadership, being aroused by the success with which 'his bonds became manifest throughout aU the PrEetorium and to all the rest' (1'*-"). He has come to be recognized as no mere disturber of the peace (Ac 24s 258), but as a preacher of a religion different from that of the Jews, and one which had already reached Csesar's household (Ph i'"). His defence has been partly made, and he is full of hope of a speedy acquittal (l^"'), though the possibility of martyrdom hangs like a cloud in his sky, bright to his own view, but casting a shadow upon his readers' joy


It has been assumed, in accordance with the over-whelming opinion of scholars, that St. Paul was at the time imprisoned in Rome; but some say in Caesarea. The chief reasons for the Roman imprisonment are (1) that the wide-spread activity on behalf of the gospel by friends and enemies of the Apostle involves a larger Church than seems to have been in Csesarea; and (2) his own conviction that his acquittal is near. With this view the indications of 1" and i^ most naturally agree. Prsetorium ' might, indeed, mean Herod's palace, which was used as the headquarters of the Roman governor in Cffisarea, but the words 'in the whole Praetorium' seem to point to the bodyguard of the Emperor, though Mommsen supposes that the conditions are best realized if the words imply that St. Paul was handed over to the judicial prefects of the Praetorian guard, who presided over the supreme Imperial court in Rome. No sufficient proof has been adduced that the word was used tor the Emperor's palace in Rome, or for the barracks of the guard. Also 'CiEsar's household' (,4P) probably means the attendants of the Emperor in Rome, including those of high rank and slaves.

Assuming that the letter was written from a Roman prison, what is its relationship to Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon— the other letters of the captivity? Some hold that these were written from Caesarea while Philippians was sent from Rome, but most assign all these Captivity Epistles to Rome. There is, however, no unanimity as to whether Philippians preceded or followed the others. Some of the most distinguished English and American scholars put Philippians earliest.



for the reason that in style and language it is very much akin to Romans, while Ephesians and Colossians are more like the Pastorals, and their atmosphere is quite different from that of Romans and Philippians. There is much force in this, though Ephesians also presents strong similarity to Romans. But the situation of the Asian Churches, invaded as they were by a new type of error, might have called forth new themes in a formal Epistle like Ephesians, while Philippians is a friendly letter to an old Church whose life was apparently now for the first time being threatened by the Judaists, with their gospel of legal righteousness. Nor would the year or so which on this supposition elapsed between Phil, and Eph. account for the difference between them. The question of priority may not admit of final decision, but in Philippians St. Paul's imprisonment seems to be nearer its end than in the other letters. Hort, who is in favour of the priority of Philippians, holds that the request to Philemon to prepare a lodging is not to be taken in a 'crude literal sense,' and that in the con-temporary Colossians there is no expectation of a speedy release. Also in Philippians St. Paul has no friends upon whom he can depend, except Timothy (cf. Col 4'^- with Ph Z">- 21). An additional reason of less weight in favour of placing Philippians last is, that a somewhat long duration of St. Paul's imprisonment is involved by the communications of the Philippians and their anxiety at the change in the rigour of his captivity.

In regard to the date of Philippians, a further difficulty emerges because of the uncertainty of the Pauline chronology, but since a.d. 61 is the most probable year for the Apostle's arrival in Rome, this letter may, though not without hesitation, be assigned to a.d. 63. In this letter St. Paul refreshes his lonely spirit by perfect freedom of fellowship with his favourite Church. Rome was not so homogeneous, nor did it acknowledge his gospel so whole-heartedly as the Churches of his own creation; thither would come Christians of every shade of opinion Judaists, Hellenists, Petrinists, and sym-pathizers with St. Paul. It is doubtful whether the Church of Rome was ever of a thoroughly Pauline type; for, notwithstanding the change effected by the Neronian persecution, that Church could not have soon become so decidedly Petrine had it originally been strongly imbued with the Pauline Gospel. This letter shows us a very active and varied missionary effort in the capital partly by St. Paul among the Praetorians and in the Imperial household, partly by his friends, and to some extent by others who probably preached to the Jews and their proselytes.

3. Contents of the Epistle.

(i.) Greeting, 1^'^. Paul and Timothy salute the saints of Philippi, together with their bishops and deacons.

Cii.) introduction, YV.^-^^. St. Paul is constantly moved to thanksgiving for their generous fellowship with him in the furtherance of the gospel from the beginning, and they are all ever on his heart where Christ dwells. His prayer for them is that their love may abound in knowledge and in-sight as to what befits the Christian life, that so they may live sincere and blameless fives until Christ comes.

(iii.) The present condition of St. Paul, w.^2-26_ ujg im_ priaonment has, contrary to expectation, led to thespread of the gospel, partly by his being chained to the Praetorian guards, partly throughanew courage among his friends, and partly tnrough envious rivalry. He, however, rejoices be-cause he is assured that in answer to their prayers the Spirit of Christ will enable him to glorify his Lord whatever be the issue of his imprisonment; he does not know what to desire, though he believes that he will be acquitted and will work for their Christian welfare.

(iv.) Exhortations to tkePhilippians to walk worthily of thegospel, 12^-2^'. Nohostility must deter them from main-taining the gospel in a spirit of unity, for ability to sufferf or Christ is a sign of Divine grace to them and of ruin to their enemies. An appeal is also made to them, by all that they have experienced of Christian love, to complete nis joy by living in fellowship, and to exhibit that unselfish mind which prompted Christ to come to earth and die for them. Where-fore He is now exalted to be worshipped by every creature.