
Dictionary of the Bible


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make the Law the necessary avenue to it, and so they acted rather as a hindrance than as a help to the progress ol the gospei. It the experience of Justin be any indication of the general attitude of the proselytes to the Church, they must have deemed it a duty to their adopted faith to manifest a violence of speech and an aggressiveness of action unsurpassed by the Jews themselves; for he says, 'the proselytes not only do not believe, but twofold more than yourselves blas-pheme His name, and wish to torture and put to death us who believe in Him' (.Dial. 122).

But the proselytes must always have formed a very small minority of those amongst the Gentiles who had lent an ear to Jewish teaching. There were many who were attracted to the synagogue by the helpfulness of its worship and the purity of its teaching, who had no sympathy with its ritual. Amongst these the gospel had a different reception; it was readily accepted and eagerly followed. They found in it all that drew them to the synagogue, and a great deal more. With historical Judaism they had nothing to do, and loyalty and nation-ality did not appeal to them as motives to maintain it against Christianity. Amongst the Jews both the prose-lyte andthe devout worshipper occupied an inferior place, but here was a faith that made no distinction between Jew or Gentile, a faith whose conception of God was tenderer and whose ethical standards were higher, that made love and not law the interpreter of duty and the inspiration of service, that lived not in an evening twilight of anticipation of a glorious Messianic morning, but in warm fellowship with a Personality that was the evidence of its power and truth. It Is easy to understand how quickly the gospel would be adopted by these adherents of Judaism. Every synagogue would become the seed-plot of a Christian church. And so it was specially to these that St. Paul addressed himself on his missionary journeys, and from them he formed the beginnings of many of his churches and received so much kindness (Ac 13"- " 16"- " etc.). One can easily understand with what feelings of com-bined jealousy and hate the Jews would see these worshippers detached from the synagogue and formed into a church. But Judaism had nothing to offer the Gentile that was not better provided by the Christian Church, and so it recoiled from the attack on Chris-tianity like the spent waves from the rock-bound coast, angry but baffled. Failure drove the Jews in sullenness upon themselves. They left the field to Christianity, restricted their vision to their own people, and left the outer world alone. J. Gilboy.

PROSTITUTION. See Crimes and Punishments, 3.

PROVENDER.— 1. mispB' (Gn 24ai- « 42" 43", Jg 1919. 2i)_ a general name for cattle food. 2. belli, Job 6* 'fodder'; belli chamlts, Is SO^* 'clean (AVm and RV 'savoury,' RVm 'salted') provender,' i.e. fodder mixed with salt or aromatic herbs. The ordinary food of cattle in Palestine besides pasturage is tibn (broken straw), kursenneh (the vetch, Vicia ervilia), bran (for fattening especially), ,and sometimes hay made from the flowering herbs of spring.

E. W. G. Masterman.

PROVERB. 1. Ueaning. In the Bible there Is no essential difference between the proverb and the parable (wh. see). The Heb. mSsftaJ and the Gr. paraboB, meaning 'resemblance,' were applied indiscriminately to both. The value arising from this likeness was twofold. In the first place, as the moral truth seemed to emerge from the observed habits of animals, objects in nature, familiar utensils, or occurrences in daily life, such juxtaposition gave to the ethical precept or fact of conduct the surprise and challenge of a discovery. Thus the whole influence of example and environment is compressed into the proverb, ' As is the mother, so is her daughter ' (Ezk 16"). The surprise was Intensified when the parable product contradicted ordinary experience, as


In the statement, 'One soweth and another reapeth' (Jn 4"). Definite labour deserves a definite reward, yet the unexpected happens, and, while man proposes, there remains an area in which God disposes. Out of such corroboration grew the second value of the proverb, namely, authority. The truth became a rule entitled to general acceptance. The proverb usually has the advantage of putting the concrete for the abstract. Among the modem inhabitants of Palestine, when a letter of recommendation is asked, it is customary to quote the proverb, ' You cannot clap with one hand.' Of a dull workman without interest or resource in his work it is said, 'He is like a sieve, he can do only one thing.'

2. Literaryform. (1) Next to the fact of resemblance was the essential feature of brevity. Such a combination at once secured currency to the unpremeditated exclama^ tion, 'Is Saul also among the prophets?' (1 S 10"- "). When the proverb consisted of two parts, rhetorical emphasis was secured either by repeating the same thought in different words (Pr 3") or by the introduction of contrasting particulars (3"). (2) Rhythmic measure was also studied, and there was often an untranslatable felicity of balance and repeated sound. The final mark of literary publicity was conferred by a rhetorical touch of picturesque hyperbole, as in the reference to a camel passing through the eye of a needle (Mt 192'). (3) The fact that a wise saying was meant for the wise encouraged the use of elliptical form. This carried the compli-mentary suggestion that the hearer was able to under-stand a reference that was confessedly obscure. On this account proverbs were called 'the words of the wise' (Pr 22"). Hence the note of surprise and un-expectedness in Christ's words, when He said that the mysteries of the Kingdom had been hidden from the wise and understanding and revealed unto babes (Mt lli", Lk 102'). (4) The obscurity referred to was some-times made the leading feature and motive of the proverb, and it was then called an 'enigma' or 'dark saying' (Ps 49', Pr 30"-"). Its solution then became a challenge to the ingenuity of the interpreter. Both the prophets and Christ Himself were charged with speaking in this problematical manner (Ezk 20'", Jn 1629). Riddles were introduced at festive gatherings as contributing an element of competitive acuteness and facetious exhilaration. Instances resembling Pr 30"-" are common among the modern Arabs and Jews in Syria, as when it is said: 'There are three chief voices in the world, that of running water, of the Torah, and of money.' An enigma for the study of books is: 'Black seeds on white ground, and he who eats of the iruit becomes wise.'

3. Subject-matter. This is summarized in Pr l'-». The reference is generally to types of character, the emotions and the desires of the heart, and the joys and sorrows, the losses and gains, the dyjie^'and the relation-ships of human life. Amid these the proverb casts a searching light upon different classes of men, and points out the path of wisdom. H^jjoa the name 'words of truth' (Pr 22«i).

4. Authority. Proverbial literature is more highly esteemed in the East than in the West. While the popularity of proverbs is partly due to literary charm and intellectual force, and the distinction conferred by the power of quoting and understanding them, the principal cause of their acceptance lies in their harmony with Oriental life. The proverb is patriarchal govern-ment in the region of ethics. It is an order from the governing class that admits of no discussion. The proverb is not the pleading of the lawyer in favour of a certain view and claim, but the decision of a judge who hM heard both sides and adjudicates on behalf of general citizenship. Such authority is at its maximum when it not only is generally current but has been handed down from previous generations. It is then ' a parable of the ancients' (1 8 24i2). The quotation of an appro-