Apostle's
meaning
in
such
passages
to
suppose
that
the
need
of
reconciliation
is
on
man's
side
only,
and
not
also
on
God's.
Man,
indeed,
does
need
to
be
recon-ciled
to
God,
from
whom
he
is
naturally
alienated
in
his
mind
in
evil
works
(Col
l^^i).
'The
mind
of
the
flesh
is
enmity
against
God'
(Ro
8'),
and
this
enmity
of
the
carnal
heart
needs
to
be
overcome.
On
this
side,
the
'
ministry
of
reconciliation
'
is
a
beseeching
of
men
to
be
reconciled
to
God
(2
Co
S^").
But
the
very
ground
on
which
this
appeal
is
based
is
that
'
God
was
in
Christ
reconciling
the
world
unto
himself,
not
reckoning
unto
them
their
trespasses'
(v.").
It
is
an
essential
part
of
the
Apostle's
teaching
that
sinners
are
the
objects
of
a
Divine
Judicial
wrath
(Ro
I's).
They
lie
under
a
condemnation
that
needs
to
be
removed
(3198.).
They
are
described
as
'enemies'
in
two
passages
(gio
njs)
where
the
word
is
plainly
to
be
taken
in
the
passive
sense
of
objects
of
wrath
(cf.
in
Ro
ll^s,
the
con-trast
with
'beloved').
It
is
this
barrier
to
God's
reconciliation
with
men
that,
in
the
Apostle's
doctrine,
Christ
removes
by
His
propitiatory
death
(Ro
32*,
Col
12»).
The
ground
on
which
men
are
called
to
be
reconciled
to
God
is:
'
Him
who
knew
no
sin
he
made
to
be
sin
on
our
behalf;
that
we
might
become
the
righteousness
of
God
in
him'
(2
Co
6™-
^i).
Believers
'receive'
a
reconciliation
already
made
(Ro
S"
RV).
The
gospel
reconciliation,
in
other
words,
has
a
twofold
aspect
—
a
God
ward
and
a
manward;
and
peace
is
made
by
the
removal
of
the
variance
on
both
sides.
See
artt.
above
referred
to.
Jambs
Okr.
See
King,
(6)
(c).
See
Colouhs,
3.
The
ashes
of
a
'red
heifer'—
more
correctly
a
red
cow—
added
to
'running
water,'
formed
the
most
powerful
means
known
to
the
Hebrews
of
removing
the
defilement
produced
by
contact
with
a
dead
body.
The
method
of
preparing
the
ashes
and
the
regulations
for
the
application
of
the
'water
of
impurity
'
(see
below)
are
the
subject
of
a
special
section
of
the
Priests'
Code
(Nu
19).
It
will
be
advisable
to
summarize
the
contents
of
the
chapter,
in
the
first
place,
and
thereafter
to
inquire
into
the
significance
of
the
rite
in
the
light
of
recent
anthropological
research.
1.
The
chapter
above
cited
consists
of
two
parts;
the
first
part,
vv.'-",
gives
instructions
for
the
prepara-tion
of
the
ashes,
and
(vv."-")
for
the
removal
by
their
means
of
the
defilement
contracted
by
actual
contact
with
the
dead
body.
The
second
part,
vv."-^^,
is
an
expansion
of
w.'^'-,
extending
the
application
of
'the
water
of
impurity
'
to
uncleanness
arising
from
a
variety
of
sources
connected
with
death.
The
animal
whose
ashes
acquired
this
special
virtue
had
to
be
of
the
female
sex,
of
a
red,
or
rather
reddish-
brown,
colour,
physically
without
blemish,
and
one
that
had
never
borne
the
yoke.
The
duty
of
superintending
the
burning,
which
took
place
'without
the
camp,'
was
entrusted
to
a
deputy
of
the
high
priest.
The
actual
burning,
however,
was
carried
through
by
a
lay
assistant,
which
fact,
taken
along
with
the
detail
(v.')
that
every
particle
of
the
animal,
including
the
blood,
was
burned,
shows
that
we
have
not
to
do
here
with
a
ritual
sacrifice,
as
might
be
inferred
from
the
of
v.'.
The
word
there
rendered
'sin-offering'
properly
denotes
in
this
connexion
(cf.
8')
'a
purification
for
sin'
(Oxf.
Heb.
Lex.
310»;
cf.
Sacrifice,
§
14).
The
priest's
share
in
the
ceremony
was
confined
to
the
sprinkling
of
some
of
the
blood
'toward
the
front
of
the
tent
of
meeting'
(v.'
RV),
in
token
of
the
dedication
of
the
animal
to
J",
and
to
the
casting
into
the
burning
mass
of
a
piece
of
cedar
wood
and
a
bunch
of
hyssop
bound
with
a
piece
of
scarlet
cloth
(such,
at
least,
is
the
regulation
of
the
Mishna
treatise
dealing
with
this
subject).
third
person
—
the
priest
and
his
assistant
having
themselves
become
'unclean'
through
contact
with
these
sacred
things
(see
below)
—
now
gathered
the
ashes
and
laid
them
up
'
without
the
camp
in
a
clean
place,'
to
be
used
as
occasion
required.
The
special
name
given
to
the
mixture
of
'running
water'
(v.",
lit.
'living
water,'
i.e.
water
from
a
spring,
not
a
cistern)
and
the
ashes
is
properly
'
water
of
impurity
'
(v.'-
".
zo-
—
so
RVm;
Amer.
'water
for
impurity';
water
of
separation),
i.e.
water
for
the
removal
of
impurity
or
un-cleanness.
This
powerful
cathartic
was
applied
to
the
person
or
thing
to
be
cleansed,
either
by
being
thrown
over
them
(see
Gray,
Com.
on
v."),
or
by
being
sprinkled
with
a
sprinkler
of
hyssop
(v.'S).
This
was
done
on
the
third
and
seventh
days,
after
which
the
defiled
person
washed
his
person
and
garments,
and
was
then
restored
to
the
privileges
of
the
cult
and
the
community.
The
only
other
reference
to
'the
water
of
impurity'
is
in
the
late
passage,
Nu
Sl^".
2.
The
clue
to
the
significance
of
the
rite
above
described
is
found
in
the
primitive
conception
of
un-cleanness,
as
this
has
been
disclosed
by
modern
anthro-pological
research
(see
Clean
and
Unclean).
In
all
primitive
societies
a
dead
body
in
particular
is
regarded
as
not
only
unclean
in
itself,
but
as
capable
of
infecting
with
uncleanness
all
who
come
in
contact
with
it
or
are
even
in
proximity
to
it.
The
Semites
shared
these
ideas
with
primitive
communities
in
every
part
of
the
world.
Hence,
although
the
literary
formulation
of
the
rite
of
the
Red
Heifer
in
Nu
may
be
late,
the
ideas
and
practices
thereof
are
certainly
older
than
the
Hebrews
themselves.
While
the
central
idea
of
the
rite
—
the
efficacy
of
ashes
as
a
cathartic,
due
probably
to
their
connexion
with
fire
(cf
.
Nu
3123,
and
Farnell,
TheEvolution
at
Religion,
n.)
—
has
its
parallels
elsewhere,
the
original
significance
of
several
of
the
details
is
still
very
obscure.
This
applies,
for
example,
to
the
red
colour
of
the
cow,
and
to
the
addition
to
her
ashes
of
the
'cedar
wood
and
hyssop
and
scarlet
'
(for
various
suggestions
see,
in
addition
to
Gray,
op.
dt.,
Hastings'
iv.
fl.;
Bewer
in
xxiv.
(190S)
ff.,
who
suggests
that
the
cow
may
have
been
originally
a
sacrifice
to
the
dead).
The
value
of
the
chapter
for
the
student
of
Hebrew
ritual
lies
in
the
illustration
it
affords
of
the
primitive
conceptions
of
uncleanness,
especially
of
the
unclean-ness
of
the
dead,
and
of
the
'
contagiousness
of
holiness,'
the
nature
of
which
has
been
so
clearly
expounded
by
Robertson
Smith
(see
446«-
'
Holiness,
Uncleanness,
and
Taboo
').
The
ashes
of
the
red
heifer
and
the
water
of
impurity
here
appear,
in
virtue
of
their
intense
'holiness,'
as
'a
conducting
vehicle
of
a
dangerous
spiritual
electricity'
(Farnell,
op.
dt.
95),
and
Jiave
the
same
power
as
the
dead
body
of
rendering
umclean
all
who
come
in
contact
with
them
(see
vv.™-
^ifj
and
art.
Clean'
Unclean).
There
are
no
inventions
in
ritual,
it
has
been
said,
only
survivals,
and
in
the
rite
under
review
we
have
one
of
the
most
interesting
of
these
survivals.
The
remarks
made
in
a
previous
article
(Atonement
[Day
op])
are
equally
applicable
to
the
present
case.
As
re-interpreted
by
the
compilers
of
the
Priests'
Code,
the
rite
conveys,
in
striking
symbolism,
the
eternal
truth
that
purity
and
holiness
are
the
essential
characteristics
of
the
people
of
God.
A.
R.
S.
Kennedy.
The
body
of
water,
over
miles
in
length,
which
divides
Africa
from
Arabia.
The
Biblical
interest
of
the
name
centres
at
its
northern
end
in
its
two
projections,
the
Gulf
of
Suez,
running
north-west,
and
the
Bay
of
Akabah
almost
due
north.
The
former
once
extended
much
farther
to
the
north,
along
the
route
of
the
present
Suez
Canal.
Anciently
it
was
known
as
the
Gulf
of
HeroOpolis,
running
as
far
north
as
the
Bitter
Lakes.
In
this
region
it
is
probable
that
the
passage
of
the
sea
described
in
Ex
took
place,
though
it
has
been
located
by
some
at
the
present
Suez,
and
by
others
still
farther
south.
This
primitive
extension
of
the
gulf
to
the
north.