
Dictionary of the Bible


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tiaUy a religious duty, begun and carried through under the highest sanctions of religion. Israel's wars of old were 'the wars of J"' (Nu 21"), and was not Jahweh Tseba'Bth, especially 'the God of Israel's battle-array' (1 S 17").? His presence with the host was secured by 'the ark of J"' accompanying the army in the field (2 S 11", cf. 1 S 4«). As an indispensable preliminary, therefore, of every campaign, the soldiers 'sanctified' themselves (Jos 3') by ablutions and other observances preparatory to offering the usual sacrifices (1 S 13»). The men thus became God's 'consecrated ones' (Is 13« RV), and to open a campaign is in Heb. phrase 'to consecrate war' (Jl 39, Jer 6* etc.). Is 21' 'anoint the shield' (cf. 2 S 1") is commonly taken to allude to a practice of smearing shields with oil, that hostile weapons might more readily glance off (see, for another explanation, Marti or Duhm, Jesaia, ad loc.).

To ascertain the propitious moment for the start, and indeed throughout the campaign, it was usual to 'en-quire of the Lord' by means of the sacred lot (Jg 1', 1 S 232 and oft.), and in an age of more advanced religious thought, by the mouth of a prophet (1 K 22"f). Still later a campaign was opened with prayer and fasting (1 Mac 3"B).

As regards the conunissariat, it was probably usual, as in Greece, to start with three days' provisions, the soldiers, for the rest, helping themselves from friends (cf. however, the voluntary gifts, 2 S 17"^) and foes. The arrangement by which 'ten men out of every hundred ' were told off ' to fetch victual for the people ' (Jg 20'"), is first met with in a late document.

3. As the army advanced, scouts were sent out to ascertain the enemy's position and strength (Jg 1^ [AV 'spies,' RV 'watchers'], 1 S 26«, 1 Mac 5»«). Where the element of secrecy enters, we may call them spies (so Jos 2' RV, 2 S 15»», 1 Mac 12!»; cf . Gideon's exploit, Jg 7"H).

Little is known of the camps of the Heb. armies. The men were sheltered in tents and booths (2 S 11"; this reference, however, is to a lengthy siege). The general commanding probably had a more elaborate 'pavilion' (1 K 20". w see Tent). The obscure term rendered by RV 'place of the wagons' (1 S 17™ 26'-is derived from a root which justifies us in supposing that the Hebrew camps were round, rather than square. Of the 20 Assyrian camps represented on the bronze plates of the gates of Balawat, 4 are circular, 14 almost square, and 2 have their long sides straight and their short sides curved outwards. Two gates are repre-sented at opposite ends, between which a broad road divides the camp into two almost equal parts (Biller-beck u. Delitzsch, Die PalasttoreSalmanassars, II. [1908], 104). The Hebrews divided the night into three watches (Jg 7", 1 S 11").

4. The tactics of the Hebrew generals were as simple as their strategy. Usually the ' battle was set in array ' by the opposing forces being drawn up in line facing each other. At a given signal, each side raised its battle-cry (Jg 7^', Am 1", Jer 4") as it rushed to the fray; for the wild slogan of former days, the Ironsides of the Jewish Cromwell, Judas the Maccabee, substituted prayer (1 Mac 5=^) and the singing of Psalms (2 Macl2"). It was a common practice for a general to divide his forces into three divisions (Jg 7'», 1 S 11", 2 S 18^, 1 Mac 535). A favourite piece of tactics was to pretend flight, and by leaving a body of men in ambush, to fall upon the unwary pursuers in front and rear (Jos 8", Jg 20'=). As examples of more elaborate tactics may be cited Joab's handling of his troops before Rabbath-ammon (2 S 10'-"), and Benhadad's massing of his chariots at the battle of Ramoth-gilead (1 K 22"); the campaigns of Judas Maccabseus would repay a special study from this point of view. The recall was sounded on the war-horn (2 S 2^' 18" 2022).

5. The tender mercies of the victors in those days were cruel, although the treatment which the Hebrews


meted out to their enemies was, with few exceptions (e.g. 2 K 15"), not to be compared to what Benzinger only too aptly describes as 'the Assyrian devilries.' It is one of the greatest blots on our RV that 2 S 12" should still read as it does, instead of as in the margin (see Cent. Bible, in loc). The Hebrew wars, as has been said, were the wars of J", and to J" of right be-longed the population of a conquered city (see Ban). Even the humane Deuteronomic Code spares only the women and children (Dt 20"'-). The captives were mostly sold as slaves. A heavy war indemnity or a yearly tribute was imposed on the conquered people (2 K 3').

The booty fell to the victorious soldiery, the leaders receiving a special share (Jg 8^-, 1 S 30»«). The men 'that tarried by the stuff' in other words, who were left behind as a camp-guard shared equally with their comrades ' who went down to the battle '(IS 30^'-, a law first introduced by David, but afterwards charac-teristically assigned to Moses, Nu Sl^'). The returning warriors were welcomed home by the women with dance and song (Ex 15™"-, Jg U«, 1 S 18« etc.). The piety of the Maccabffian age found a more fitting expression in a service of thanksgiving (1 Mac *"). See also Army, AEMorni Abms, Fohtification and SrEOE-CHAFT. A. R. S. Kennedy.

WARS OP THE LORD, BOOK OF THE.— A work quoted in Nu 21"'- to settle a point with regard to the boundary of Moab and Ammon. The quotations in vv.i'- 18. B'-M are probably from the same original. This is the only mention of the book in the OT. It is not likely that the work is identical with the Book of Jashar. It probably consisted of a collection of songs celebrating the victories of Israel over their neighbours. The song in Ex 15'-" describing the Lord as 'a man of war' has been thought to be derived from it. The date of the work is unknown. As it deals with the heroic age, it likely originated in the period immediately following, and it has been dated in the reign of Omri (Stade), and by others as early as the time of David or Solomon. If Nu 212'-s» refer to the wars of Omri, we must regard the work as a product of the N. kingdom.

W. F. Boyd.

WASHPOT.— Only Ps 60» = 108», as a figure of con-tempt. The 'pot' (sir) was also used for boiling (see House, 9).

WATCH.— See Time.

WATCHMAN.— See City.


WATER. The scarcity of water in the East lends it a special value. Its presence in some form is essential to life. The f ruitf ulness of the land depends on the quantity available for watering. The Jordan, with its great springs, is too low for the irrigation of anything but the valley. There are many fountains in Palestine, but most fail in summer. The average annual rainfall approaches 30 inches. But this is confined to the months from April till October; and the water would rush down the slopes to the sea, were it not caught and stored for future use. The limestone formation, with its many caves, made easy the construction of cisterns and reservoirs to collect the rain water: thence supplies were drawn as required during the dry months. Wherever water is found, there is greenery and beauty all through the year.

In the Maritime Plain plentiful supplies of water are found on digging (Gn 26'™). To fill up the wells would make the district uninhabitable. Invading armies were at times reduced to sore straits by the stopping of wells (2 K 3"- ^), or diversion and concealment of the stream from a fountain (2 Ch 32").

The earliest use of water was doubtless to allay the thirst of man and beast. Refusal of drink to a thirsty man would be universally condemned (Gn 24'"-, Jn 4').