
Dictionary of the Bible


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I. General

Alex. = Alexandrian.

Apoc.= Apocalypse, Apocalyptic.

Apocr. = Apocrypha, Apocryphal.

Aq. =Aqulla.

Arab. = Arabic.

Aram. =Aramaic.

Assyr. = Assyrian.

AV= Authorized Version.

AVm = Authorized Version margin.

Bab. = Babylonian.

c=circa, about.

cf. = compare; c<.= contrast.

D =Deuteronomist.


edd. = editions or editors.

EV =English Version.

f. =and following verse or page: as Ac 10'"-.

fl. =and following verses or pages: as Mt ll^ss..

H =Law of Holiness.

Hex. = Hexateuch.

J = Jahwist.

J" = Jahweh.

Jos. =Josephus.

LXX Septuagint.

MT=Massoretio Text.

n. =note.

NT = New Testament.

0T=01d Testament.

P= Priestly Narrative.

Pr. Bk. Prayer Book.

R =Redactor.

RV=Revised Version.

RVm = Revised Version margin.

TR=Textus Receptus.

tr. =translate or translation.

VSS -Versions.

Vulg. = Vulgate.

WH =Westcott and Hort's text.

II. Books of the Bible

Old Testament.

Gn = Genesis.

Ex = Exodus.

Lv= Leviticus.

Nu —Numbers.

Dt = Deuteronomy.

Jos = Joshua.

Jg = Judges.

Ru =Ruth.

1 S, 2 S = 1 and 2 Samuel.

1 K, 2 K = 1 and 2 Kings.

1 Ch, 2 Ch=l and 2

Chronicles. Ezr =Ezra. Neh =Nehemiah. Est = Esther. Job.

Ps= Psalms. Pr = Proverbs. Ec =Ecclesiastes.

Ca= Canticles. Is = Isaiah. Jer = Jeremiah. La = Lamentations. Ezk=Ezekiel. Dn= Daniel. Hos=Hosea. Jl = Joel. Am = Amos. Ob=Obadiah. Jon —Jonah. Mic—Micah. Nah=Nahum. Hab =Habakkuk. Zeph =Zephaniah. Hag=Haggai. Zee =Zechariah. Mal=Malachi.


1 Es, 2 E3=l and 2 To=Tobit. Esdras. Jth = Judith.

Ad. Est = Additions to Sus=Susanna.

Esther. Wis = Wisdom. Sir =Sirach or Ecclesi-

asticus. Bar=Baruch. Three =Song of the Three


Bel =Bel and the Dragon. Pr. Man = Prayer of

Manasses. 1 Mac, 2 Mac = l and 2


New Testament.

Mt= Matthew. Mk = Mark. Lk = Luke. Jn = John. Ac = Acts. Ro =:Romans. 1 Co, 2 Co = l and 2 Co-rinthians. Gal =Galatians. Eph Ephesians. Ph=Philippians. Col =Colossians.

1 Th, 2 Th = l and 2

Thessalonians. lTi,2Ti=]and2Timothy. Tit. =Titus. Philem = Philemon. He = Hebrews. Ja = James.

IP, 2 P = l and 2 Peter. 1 Jn, 2 Jn, 3 Jn = l, 2,

and 3 John. Jude. Rev =Bevelation.

III. For the Literatdre

.<lflT= Ancient Hebrew Tradition. XJrA= American Journal of Theology. AT=Altes Testament. jBffP= Biblical Researches in Palestine. COT =Cuneiform Inscriptions and the OT,

DB= Dictionary of the Bible.

DCG —Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels.

EBi = Encyclopaedia Biblica.

EBr -"Encyclopsedia Britannica.

EGT =Expositor's Greek Testament.