
Dictionary of the Bible


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JBipr =Exposltory Times.

G4P =Geographie des alten Paiastina.

GGA =Gottingische Gelehrte Anzeigen.

GGAT =Nachrichten der konigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu GOttingen.

C/y =Geschiohte des JUdischen Volkes.

Gr/=Geschiehte des Volkes Israel.

ifCJlf= Higher Criticism and the Monuments.

HGHL —Historical Geography of Holy Land.

H/P=History of the Jewish People.

HPN = Hebrew Proper Names.

HWB =HandwOrterbuch.

/CC= International Critical Commentary.

JAOS = Journ. of the Amer. Oriental Society.

JBI,=Journ. of Biblical Literatm'e.

./£= Jewish Encyclopedia.

JOK= Jewish Quarterly Review.

JThSt = Journal of Theological Studies.

KAT='D\e Keilinschriften und das Alte Testament.

KIB =Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek.

LB =The Land and the Book.

iOr-Introd. to the Literature of the Old Testa-ment.

JlfiVDP7 = Mittheil. u. Nachrichten d. Deutch. Pal.-

Vereins. Or^C =The Old Test, in the Jewish Church. PB -Polychrome Bible. jPfii? —Palestine Exploration Fund. PBFSi -Quarterly Statement of the same. PSBA -Proceedings of Soc. of Bibl. Archeology. PRE =Real-Encykl. far protest. Theol. und Kirche KB —Revue Biblique, RE -Realencyklopadie. REJ —Revue des £tudes Juives. iJP- Records of the Past. RS —Religion of the Semites. RWB -RealwOrterbuch. 5507" -Sacred Books of Old Testament. 5P— Sinai and Palestine.

SH'P— Memoirs of the Survey of W. Palestine, rs —Texts and Studies.

TSBA -Transactions of Soc. of Bibl. Archjeology. T U Texte und Untersuchungen. If A/ —Western Asiatic Inscriptions. Z^riT-Zeitschrift far die Alttest. Wissenschaft. ZiVriT-Zeitschrift fUr die Neutest. Wissenschaft.

A small superior number designates the particular edition of the work referred to: as KAT^, LOT'.