
Dictionary of the Bible


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pian (Ezk 372 marg.) of the 1611 edition of AV. The word means an open plain.

CHANCELLOR. See Beeltethmus and Bbhum.

CHANGES OF EAIMElfT (Gn 45", Jg W': 2 K 56). A literal tr. of a Heb. expression which not merely denotes a change of garments in the modern sense, but implies that the 'changes' are superior, in material or texture or both, to those ordinarily worn. Hence 'gala dresses,' 'festal robes,' or the like, may be taken as a fair equivalent. Gifts of such gala robes have always been common in the East as special marks of favour or distinction. Cf. Dress, § 7.

A. R. S. Kennedy.

CHANUNEUS(AVChamiuneus),lEs8".— ALevite, answering to Merari, if to anything, in the parallel list in Ezr 8".

CHAPHENATHA (1 Mac 12")-— Close to Jerusalem on the east. Unknown.

CHAPITER.— See Temple.

CHAPISAN. A chapman is a trader, the word being still used in some places for a travelUng merchant. It occurs In 2 Ch 9" AV and RV, and also in 1 K lO's RV. The Amer. RV has ' trader ' in both places.

CHAEAATHALAN (AV Charaathalar), 1 Es 5».— A name given to a leader of certain families who returned under Zerubbabel. But ' Charaathalan leading them and Allar' is due to some perversion of the original, which has 'Cherub, Addan, Immer,' three names of places in Babylonia, from which the return was made (Ezr 2"; cf. Neh 7").

CHARAX (2 Mac 12", RV 'to Charax,' AV 'to Characa'). East of Jordan, and apparently in the land of Tob. Unknown.

CHAREA, 1 Es 532=Harsha, Ezr 2^, Neh 7".

CHARGER. An obsolete word for a large flat dish on which meat was served. The Amer. RV every-where substitutes 'platter,' e.g. Nu 7™-, Mt 148 and parallels.

CHARIOT. The original home of the chariot was Western Asia, from which it passed to Egypt and other countries. In OT chariots are associated mainly with war-like operations, although they also appear not infrequently as the 'carriages,' so to say, of kings, princes, and high dignitaries (Gn 50», 2 K 5', Jer IT^; cf. Ac S'"*- the case of the Ethiopian eunuch) in times of peace. When royal personages drove in state, they were preceded by a body of 'runners' (2 S 15',

1 K 15).

The war chariot appears to have been introduced among the Hebrews by David (2 S LXX), but it did not become part of the organized military equipment of the State till the reign of Solomon. This monarch is said to have organized a force of 1400 chariots (IK lO^",

2 Ch 1"), which he distributed among the principal cities of his realm (1 K 9" lO^"). At this time, also, a considerable trade sprang up in connexion with the importation of chariots and horses. It was not from Egypt, however, which was never a horse-breeding country, that these were imported as stated in the corrupt text of 1 K lO^"-, but from two districts of Asia Minor, In the region of Cappadocia and Cilicia, named Musri and Kue (see Skinner, Cent. Bible, in loc). In the following verse a chariot from Musri is said to have cost 600 shekels of silver (see Money), and a horse 150, but the Gr. text gives 100 shekels and SO shekels respectively. Similarly in 2 K the reference is to the chariotry of the Hittites and their allies of Musri.

Until the Macedonian period, when we first hear of chariots armed with scythes (2 Mac 13'), the war chariot of antiquity followed one general type, alike among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, the Hittites and the Syrians. It consisted of a hght wooden body, which


was always open behind. The axle, fitted with stout wheels with 6 or 8 spokes (for the Heb. terms see 1 K 7^), was set as far back as possible for the sake of greater steadiness, and consequently a surer aim. The pole was fixed into the axle, and after passing beneath the floor of the chariot was bent upwards and connected by a band of leather to the front of the chariot. The horses, two in number, were yoked to the pole. Traces were not used. In Assyrian representations a third horse sometimes appears, evidently as a reserve. The body of the chariot naturally received considerable decora^ tion, tor which, and for other details, reference may be made to Wilkinson's Anc. Egyp. (1878), i. 224-241, and Bawlinson's Five Great Monarchies (1864), ii. 1-21, where numerous illustrationss are also given. The 'chariots of iron' of the ancient Canaanites (Jos 17", Jg 119 4!) were chariots of which the woodwork was strengthened by metal plates.

In Egypt and Assyria the normal number of the occupants of a war chariot was two the driver, who was often armed with a whip, and the combatant, an archer whose bow-ease and quiver were usually attached to the right-hand side of the car. Egyptian repre-sentations of Hittite chariots, however, show three occupants, of whom the third carries a shield to protect his comrades. This was almost certainly the practice among the Hebrews also, since a frequently recurring military term, shSMsh, signifies 'the third man,' pre-sumably in such a chariot.

Mention may be made, finally, of the chariots set up at the entrance to the Temple at Jerusalem, which were destroyed by Josiah. They were doubtless dedi-cated originally to J", although they are termed by the Hebrew historian 'chariots of the sun' (2 K 23"), their installation having been copied from the Baby-lonian custom of representing Shamash, the sun-god, riding in a chariot. A. R. S. Kennedy.

CHARITY. The word 'charity' never occurs in AV in the sense of almsgiving, but always with the meaning of love. It comes from the Vulg. caritas, which was frequently used to translate the Greek agapi, probably because amor had Impure associations, and because dilectio (which is sometimes so used) was scarcely strong enough. Wyclif followed the Vulg., as did afterwards the Rhemish translators. Tindale and the Genevan Version preferred 'love'; but in the Bishops' Bible ' charity ' was again often used, and the AV followed the Bishops in this. In the RV, however, 'charity' never occurs, the Gr. agap'S being everywhere rendered 'love.'

For Feast of Charity (Jude " AV) see Love Feast.

CHARM. See Amulets and Chakms; and Maoic Divination and Sorcery.

CHARME (1 Es 5^).— Called Harim, Ezr 2", Neh7«. The form in 1 Es. is derived from the Heb., and not from the Gr. form in the canonical books.

CHARMIS (Gn 46').— Son of Melchiel, one of three rulers or elders of Bethulia (Jth C's 8i<i 10«).

CHASE.— See Huntino.

OHASEBA (1 Es 53').— There is no corresponding name in the lists of Ezra and Nehemiah.

CHASTITY, See Crimes and Punishments, and Marriage.

CHEBAR.— A canal in Babylonia (Ezk 1") beside which the principal colony of the first Exile of Judah was planted. It has been identified by the Pennsylvania expedition with the canal Kabaru, named in cuneiform documents of the time of Artaxerxes i. It apparently lay to the east of Nippur. The name means 'great.' Hence for 'the river Chebar' we may read 'the Grand Canal.' J. F. McCuhdy.

CHECKERWORK.— AdesignationappliedinlK?" (only) to the net-ornament on the pillars before the Temple.