
Dictionary of the Bible


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see Lv 19"- 23" (both H), Dt 24"-"; cf. Agricultube, § 3; PovEKTY. A. E. S. Kennedy.

GLEDE.— See Kite.

GLORY (in OT).— The first use of this word is to express the exalted honour or praise paid either to things, or to man, or to God. From that it passes to denote the dignity or wealth, whether material or spiritual, that calls forth such honour. Thence it has come to mean, in the OT especially, the majesty and splendour that attend the revelation of the power or character of God. The principal Heb. word (IcabM) for ' glory ' is derived from a root denoting heaviness. The root may be seen in Is 1*, 'a people heavy vrifh the burden of iniquity.' For its derived use, cf. 'loaded with honours,' 'weight of glory.' A few illustrations of each of these uses may be given.

1. It is only necessary to mention the constantly recurring phrase 'glory to God' (Jos 7", Ps 29' etc.). As applying to man may be quoted, ' the wise shall inherit glon/' (Pr3M).

2. Phrases such as 'the glory of Lebanon' (Is 35*), i.e. the cedars; 'of his house' (Ps 49"), i.e. his material possessions; 'the glory and honour of the nations' (Rev 21»), parallel with 'the wealth of the nations' in Is 60", may be quoted here. ' My glory ' (Gn 49', Ps 16' 30'2 578 etc.) is used as synonymous with 'soul,' and denotes the noblest part of man; cf. also Ps 8^ Jehovah is called 'the glory' of Israel as the proudest possession of His people (Jer 2»; cf. 1 S 4"- 22, Lk 2^). With reference to God may be named Ps 19', His wisdom and strength; and Ps 63^, the worthiness of His moral government.

3. Two uses of the expression 'the glory of Jehovah' are to be noted, (a) The manifestation of His glory in the self-revdation of His character and being, e.g. Is 6^. Here ' glory ' is the showing forth of God 's holiness. For God's glory manifested in history and in the control of the nations, see Nu li^, Ezk 392'; in nature, Ps 293- » 10431. (^j ji physical manifestation of the Divine Presence. This is especially notable in Ezekiel, e.g. V, where the glory is bright like the rainbow. In the P sections of the Pentateuch such representations are frequent (see Ex 24«-'8, Lv 9* etc.). A passage com-bining these two conceptions is the story of the theophany to Moses (Ex 33"-'» 34«- '). Here the visible glory, the brightness of Jehovah's face, may not be seen. The spiritual glory is revealed In the proclamation of the name of Jehovah, full of compassion and gracious.

Wilfrid J. Moulton.

GLORY (in Apocr. and NT).— Except in 1 P 2«" (where it means renown), 'glory,' as a noun, is always the translation of Gr. doxa. This word, coming from a root meaning 'to seem,' might signify outward appear-ance only, or, in a secondary sense, opinion. This use is not found in the Biblical writings, but the derived classical use— favourable opinion or reputation, and hence exalted honour or, as appUed to things, splendour, is very common (Wis S'", Bo 2'-'°, Bar 2", Jn 9^*, Sir 43' 50'). The special LXX use of ' glory ' for the physical or ethical manifestation of the greatness of God is also frequent. In AV of NT doxa is occasionally translated 'honour' (e.g. Jn 5", 2 Co 6' etc.); in Apocrypha some-times 'honour' 1 Es 8* etc.), and a few times 'pomp' (1 Mac 10" ll" etc.), or 'majesty '(Ad. Est 15'); otherwise it is uniformly rendered ' glory.' As a verb, ' glory ' in the sense of boast (Gr. kauchaomai) is frequently found (Sir 11<, 1 Co 12').

A few examples of the use of 'glory' to denote the brightness of goodness may be given. In Bar 5' is the striking phrase 'the glory of godUness,' whilst wisdom is called ' a clear effluence of the glory of the Almighty ' (Wis 72s). In Jn l'< the 'glory' of the Only-begotten consists in grace and truth (cf. Jn 2" n^- ^). In Ro S^ the 'glory' of God, of which men have fallen short, is His manifested excellence, revealed at first in man


made in God's image (cf. 1 Co 11'"), lost through sin, but meant to be recovered as he is transfigured 'from glory to glory' (2 Co 3'8). For 'glory' as used to express the visible brightness, cf. To 12», where Raphael goes in before the glory of the Holy One (cf . 2 Mac 3™, of angels). In NT, cf. Lk 2' ' The glory of the Lord shone round about them.' In 2 Co 3'-" the double use of 'glory' is clearly seen; the fading brightness on the face of Moses is contrasted with the abiding spiritual glory of the new covenant. Passages which combine both the ethical and the physical meanings are those which speak of the glory of the Son of Man (Mt 16" etc.), and the glory, both of brightness and of purity, which gives light to the heavenly city (Rev 21^3). 'Glory,' as appUed to the saints, culminates in a state where both body and spirit are fully changed into the likeness of the glorified Lord (Ph S^', Col 3<).

In Wis 18^ a special use appears, where 'the glories of the fathers' is a phrase for the names of the twelve tribes, written on the precious stones of the high-priestly breastplate. Doubtless this is suggested by the flashing gems. An interesting parallel is given in Murray, Eng. Diet, s.v.:' They presented to his Electoral Highness . . . the Two Stars or Glories, and Two Pieces of Ribbon of the Order [of the Garter]'; cf. Kalisch on Ex 28 'The jewels are the emblems of the stars, which they rival in splendour.' Wilpkid J. Moulton.

GNAT (Mt 23M).— Various members of the Cidicidce, mosquitoes and true gnats, are found in Palestine; of the former, four species are known which are fever- bearing. These and such small insects are very apt to fall into food or Uquid, and require to be 'strained out' (RV), especially in connexion with Lv ll^"- *>. An Arab proverb well illustrates the ideas of Mt 23": ' He eats an elephant and is suffocated by a gnat.' In the RVm of Is 51« 'like gnats' is suggested for 'in like manner.' E. W. G. Mastebman.

GNOSTICISM.- l.Gnosticismptoper.— Theterm.which comes from the Gr. gnosis, 'knowledge,' is now tech-nically used to describe an eclectic philosophy of the 2nd cent. a.d. which was represented by a number of sects or divisions of people. The philosophy was con-structed out of Jewish, Pagan, and Christian elements, and was due mainly to the inevitable contact and con-flict between these various modes of thought. It was an attempt to incorporate Christian with Jewish and Pagan ideas in solving the problems of life. The more important of these problems were (1) How to reconcile the creation of the world by a perfectly good God with the presence of evil; (2) how the human spirit came to be imprisoned in matter, and how it was to be emanci-pated. The first problem was solved by predicating a series of emanations starting from a perfectly good and supreme God, and coming down step by step to an imperfect being who created the world with its evils. Thus there was an essential dualism of good and evil. The second problem was solved by advocating either an ascetic life, wherein everything material was as far as possible avoided, or else a licentious life, in which everything that was material was used without dis-crimination. Associated with these speculations was a view of Christ which resolved Him into a phantom, denied the reality of His earthly manifestation, and made Him only a temporary non-material emanation of Deity. Gnosticism culminated, as the name suggests, in the glorification of knowledge and in a tendency to set knowledge against faith, regarding the former as superior and as the special possession of a select spiritual few, and associating the latter with the great mass of average people who could not rise to the higher level. Salvation was therefore by knowledge, not by faith. The will was subordinated to the intellect, and everything was made to consist of an esoteric knowledge which was the privilege of an intellectual aristocracy.

2. Gnosticism in relation to the NT. It is obvious