
Dictionary of the Bible


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that it is only in the slightest and most partial way that we can associate Gnosticism of a fully developed Ijind with the NT.

There is a constant danger, which has not always been avoided, of reading baclc into isolated NT expressions the Gnostic ideas of the 2nd century. While we may see in the NT certain germs which afterwards came to maturity in Gnosticism, we must be on our guard lest we read too much into NT phraseology, and thereby draw wrongconclusions. One example of tins danger may be given. Simon Magus occupies a prominent place in the tnoughts of many 2nd and 3rd cent, writers, and by some he is regarded as one of the founders of Gnosticism. This may or may not have been true, but at any rate there is absolutely nothing in Ac 8 to suggest even the germ of the idea.

It is necessary to consider carefully the main idea of gnosis^ ' loiowledge,' in the NT. (a) It is an essential element of true Christianity, and is associated with the knowledge of God in Chri3t(2 Co 2" 4S),with the knowledge of Christ Himself (Ph 3«, 2 P 3>8), and with the personal experience of what is involved in the Christian life (Ro 2^*^ IS", 1 Co 1' 3", Col 2'). In the term epignosis we have the further idea of ' full knowledge ' which marks the ripe, mature Christian. This word is particularly characteristic of the Pauline Epistles of the First Captivity (Phil., Col., Eph.), and indicates the Apostle's view of the spiritually-aavanced believer. But gnosis and epignosis always imply something more and deeper tlian intellectual understandmg. They refer to a personal experience at once intellectual and spiritual, and include intellectual apprehension and moral perception. As distinct from wisdom, knowledge is spiritual experience considered in itself, while wisdom is knowledge in its practical application and use. In Colossians it is generally thought that the errors combated were asso Mated with certain forms of Gnosticism. Light- foot, on the one hand, sees in the references in ch. 2 Jewish elements of scrupuiousness^ in the observance of days, and of asceticism in the distinction of meats, together with Greek or other purely Gnostic elements in theosophic speculation, shadowy mysticism, and the interposition of angels between God and man. He thinks the references are to one heresy in which these two separate elements are used, and that St. Paul deals with botli aspects at once in 28-2*. With Gnostic intellectual exclusiveness he deals in V^ and 2^^, with speculative tendencies in li6-20 20-iB^ with practical tendencies to asceticism or licence in 2^6-23. Hort {Judaistic Christianity) j on the other hand, sees nothing but Judaistic elements in the Epistle, and will not allow that there are two independent sets of ideas blended. He considers that, apart from the phrase ' philos-ophy and vain deceit' (28), tnere is nothing of specula-tive doctrine in the Epistle. He says that angel-worship was already prevalent quite apart from philosophy, and that there is no need to look beyond Judaism for what is found here. This difference between tliese two great scholars shows the extreme difficulty of attempting to find anything technically called Gnosticism in Colossians. (6) The Pastoral Epistles are usually next put under review. In 1 Ti 1* i^, we are bidden by Lightfoot to see further developments of what had been rife in Colossffi. Hort again differs from this view, and concludes that there is no clear evidence of speculative or Gnosticizing tendencies, but only of a dangerous fondness for Jewish trifling, both of the legendary and casuistical kind, (c) In the First Epistle of John (41- 3) we are reminded of later Gnostic tendencies as represented by Cerinthus and others, who regarded our Lord as not really man, but only a phantom and a temporary emanation from the Godhead. The prominence given to 'knowledge' as an essential element of true Christian life is very striking in this Epistle, part of whose purpose is that those who possess eternal life in Christ may 'know' it (5"). The verb 'to know' occurs in the Epistle no less than thirty-five times, (d) In Revelation (2«- '«■ 2". it and 3"- =>) it is thought that further tendencies of a Gnostic kind are observable, and Lightfoot sees in the latter passage proof that the heresy of Colossee was continuing in that district of Asia Minor. The precariousness of this position is, however, evident, when it is realized that the errors referred to are clearly antinomian, and may well have arisen apart from any Gnostic speculations.

From the above review, together with the differences between great scholars, it is evident that the attempt to connect the NT with the later Gnosticism of the 2nd cent, must remain at best but partially successful. All that we can properly say is that in the NT there are signs of certain tendencies which were afterwards seen in the


2nd cent. Gnosticism, but whether there was any real connexion between the 1st cent, germs and the 2nd cent, developments is another question. In the clash of Judaistic, Hellenic, and Christian thought, it would not be surprising if already there were attempts at eclecticism, but the precise links of connexion between the germs of the NT and the developments of the 2nd cent, are yet to seek.

One thing we must keep clearly before us: gnosis in the NT is a truly honourable and important term, and stands for an essential part of the Christian life. Of course there is always the liability to the danger of mere speculation, and the consequent need of em-phasizing love as contrasted with mere knowledge (1 Co 8' 132), but when gnosis is regarded as both intellectual and moral, we see at once how necessary it is to a true, growing Christian life. The stress laid upon epignosis in later books of the NT, Pauline and Petrine, and the marked prominence given to the cognate terms in 1 John, clearly indicate the im-portance placed on the idea by Apostolic writers as a safeguard of the Christian life. While it is the essential feature of the young Christian to liave (forgiveness); and of the growing Christian to be (strong); it is that of the ripe Christian to know (1 Jn 2'2-"). Knowledge and faith are never contrasted in the N'T. It is a false and impossible antithesis. 'Through faith we under-stand' (He 11"). Faith and sight, not faith and reason, are antithetical. We know in order to believe, credence leading to confidence; and then we believe in order to know more. Knowledge and trust act and react on each other. Truth and trust are correlatives, not contradictories. It is only mere speculative knowledge that is 'falsely so called' (1 Ti 6'"), because it does not take its rise and find its life and sustenance in God's revelation in Christ; but Christian gnosis received into the heart, mind, conscience and will, is that by which we are enabled to see the true as opposed to the false 'to distinguish things that differ' (Ph l"'),and to adhere closely to the way of truth and life. The Apostle describes the natural earth-bound man as lacking this spiritual discernment; he has no such faculty (1 Co 2u. IS). The spiritual man (2i6 3i), or the perfect or ripe man (2«), is the man who knows; and this knowledge which is at once intellectual, moral and spiritual, is one of the greatest safeguards against every form of error, and one of the choicest secrets of the enjoyment of the revelation of God in Christ.

W. H. Griffith Thomas.

GOAD. See AaEicnuruHE, § 1.

GO AH. An unknown locality near Jerusalem (Jer 31«).

GOAT. (1) '52, used generically, both sexes, Gn 30", Ex 12S, Ezr 6" etc. (2) tsaphlr (root 'to leap'), 'he- goat,' 2 Ch 2921, Ezr 8», Dn 8^- ». (3) sa'lr (root 'hairy'), usually a he-goat, e.g. Dn 821 'rough goat'; se'lrah, Lv 5' 'she-goat'; se'lrim, tr. 'devils' 2 Ch 11«, 'satyrs' Is 1321 34". See Satyr. (4) 'attOd, only in pi. 'attadlm, 'he-goats' Gn 3V- '\ AVm and RV 'chief ones' Is 14', but RVm 'he-goats.' (5) taylsh, 'he-goat,' Pr 30" etc. In NT eriphos, eripMon, Mt 2SS2. S3; tragos, He 912. is. is lo*. Goats are among the most valued possessions of the people of Palestine. Nabal had a thousand goats (1 S 252; see also Gn 3083. as 3214 etc.). They are led to pasture with the sheep, but are from time to time separated from them for milking, herding, and even feeding (Mt 2SS2). Goats thrive on extraordinarily bare pasturage, but they do immeasurable destruction to young trees and shrubs, and are responsible for much of the barrenness of the hills. Goats supply most of the milk used in Palestine (Pr 272'); they are also killed for food, especially the young kids (Gn 27=, Jg 6" 1315 etc.). The Syrian goat (fiapra mambrica) is black or grey, exceptionally white, and has shaggy hair and remarkably long ears.