remarkable
phrase
in
Rev
22"
('
Amen.
Come,
Lord')-It
is
noticeable
also
that
in
both
passages
the
expression
is
used
as
a
concluding
formula.
Whether
any
similar
formula
was
in
use
among
the
Jews
is
disputed.
An
old
Jewish
acrostic
hymn,
still
extant
in
all
types
of
the
Jewish
Uturgy,
the
initiaj
letters
of
the
lines
of
which
may
be
read
'Amen.
Come'
(Heb.
amen
65)
at
least
suggests
the
possibility
of
such
a
usage.
2.
Original
significance
of
the
expression.
—
It
is
clear
from
the
passage
in
the
Didache
cited
above
that
'maranatha'
cannot
be
regarded
as
a
formula
of
ex-communication
synonymous
with
'anathema'
(so
Calvin,
comparing
'Abba,
Father').
It
was
rather
a
watchword
of
the
earliest
Christian
community,
era-bodying
the
thought
in
the
form
of
a
prayer
that
the
'Parousia,'
or
Second
Advent
of
the
Lord,
might
soon
be
consummated,
in
accordance
with
the
ardent
expecta-tions
current
in
the
first
generation.
3.
Later
usage.
—
In
later
usage,
under
the
influence
of
false
exegesis,
the
term
acquired
an
imprecatory
sense.
It
thus
occurs
in
an
early
sepulchral
inscription
(4th
or
Sth
cent.)
from
the
island
of
Salamis.
Its
supposed
correspondence
with
the
Jewish
shammatha
(the
3rd
or
highest
degree
of
excommunication)
has,
of
course,
notiiing
to
substantiate
it.
Further
details
of
this
development
will
be
found
in
Hastings'
s.v,
'M
ranatha.'
G.
H.
Box.
—
See
Mining
and
Metals.
See
Time.
of
Col
4i«,
Philem
m,
i
p
5"=Mark
(wh.
see).
1.
The
name
of
Mordecai,
the
uncle
of
Esther,
appears
in
this
form
in
Ad.
Est
lO"
ll'^-
"
121.
4.8
1613.
2.
Es
S8=Mordecai,
Ezr
2^,
Neh
7'.
1.
The
'father'
of
Hebron
(1
Ch
2«).
2.
Judahite
(1
Ch
421).
These
genealogical
data
are
really
concerned
with—
3.
An
important
city
in
the
Sheph-elah
of
Judah
(Jos
15"),
fortified
by
Rehoboam
(2
Ch
is;
see
also
Ch
14»-
'»
20",
Mic
li').
Later
on,
under
the
name
Marissa,
Josephus
describes
(Ant.
xji.
viii.
etc.)
its
extremely
chequered
history.
The
site
of
Mareshah
has
now
with
certainty
been
identified
as
Tell
Sanda-hanna.
This
tell
was
partially
excavated
by
Bliss
and
MacaUster,
but
the
identity
of
the
site
was
finally
demonstrated
by
the
finding,
in
1902,
of
a
tomb
by
Messrs.
Peters
and
Tiersch,
adorned
with
a
number
of
interesting
pictured
animals,
etc.,
and
about
inscriptions
recording
the
names
of
many
Phoenician
inhabitants
of
Marissa,
about
b.o.
200.
The
hill
on
which
the
ruins
of
Mareshah
stand
is
riddled
with
the
most
extraor-dinary
caves,
once
human
dwelUngs.
The
old
name
Mareshah
still
lingers
in
Khurbet
Merash,
the
name
of
some
ruins
about
halt
a
mile
off.
See
also
Marisa.
E.
W.
G.
Masterman.
(2
Es
12)=Meraioth
(Ezr
7=);
also
called
Memeroth,
Es
8^.
—
The
Gr.
form
of
the
name
Mareshah.
It
occurs
only
in
Mac
12'*,
but
should
be
read
also
in
Mac
5",
where
all
Greek
wrongly
have
*
Samaria.'
(JOHN).—
There
are
three
groups
of
passages
where
the
name
Mark
occurs.
(1)
John
Mark
was
a
Jew
and
son
of
Mary,
who
was
a
leading
Christian
woman
at
Jerusalem.
At
her
house
the
faithful
assembled
for
prayer,
and
thither
Peter
went
on
his
release
from
imprisonment,
having
perhaps
previously
lodged
there
(Ac
12i™).
An
im-probable
conjecture
makes
Mark
the
son
of
the
'
good-man
of
the
house'
in
Mk
14",
and
another,
not
so
un-likely,
identifies
Mark
himself
with
the
'
young
man
'
of
Mk
14";
but
the
Muratorian
Fragment
(see
next
art.
§
1)
apparently
denied
that
Mark
had
ever
seen
our
Lord.
Probably
Mary
was
a
widow.
'Mark'
would
be
an
added
name
such
as
the
Jews
often
took.
in
Roman
fashion;
it
was
a
Roman
priBnomen,
much
used
among
Greek-speaking
people,
but
not
common
among
the
Jews.
John
Mark
was
chosen
as
com-panion
of
Barnabas
and
Saul
when
they
left
Jerusalem
for
Antioch
(Ac
12«»—
the
reading
of
is
hardly
possible),
and
taken
by
them
on
their
first
missionary
journey
(13'),
not
as
chosen
expressly
by
the
Holy
Ghost
(ct.
V.2),
and
not
as
an
equal;
'they
had
also
John
as
their
attendant
minister).'
It
has
been
suggested
that
Mark
was
a
Levite
(see
below),
and
that
the
designation
here
used
means
'a
synagogue
minister,'
as
in
Lk
i'">
(Chase).
But
this
would
make
the
words
'they
had'
intolerably
harsh.
Probably
Mark's
work
was
to
arrange
the
Apostles'
journeys,
per-haps
also
to
baptize
—
a
work
not
usually
performed
by
St.
Paul
himself
(1
Co
1").
Mark
remained
with
the
Apostles
on
their
journey
through
Cyprus,
but
left
them
at
Perga
in
Pamphylia
(Ac
13")
either
from
cowardice,
or,
more
probably,
because
the
journey
to
Ksidian
Antioch
and
beyond,
involving
work
among
distant
Gentiles,
was
a
change
of
plan
which
he
did
not
approve
(Ramsay).
He
had
not
yet
grasped
the
idea
of
a
world-
wide
Christianity,
as
St.
Paul
had.
His
departure
to
Jerusalem
led
later
to
the
estrangement
of
Paul
and
Barnabas;
the
latter
wished
to
take
Mark
with
them
on
the
Second
Journey
(15'™),
but
Paul
refused,
and
separated
from
Barnabas,
who
then
took
Mark
to
Cyprus.
(2)
The
Mark
of
the
Pauline
Epistles
was
cousin
of
Barnabas
(Col
4i»
RV),
probably
of
the
Jewish
colony
of
Cyprus,
and
a
Levite
(Ac
i^).
It
is
therefore
gener-ally
agreed
that
he
was
the
same
as
John
Mark.
If
so,
he
became
reconciled
to
St.
Paul,
and
was
his
'fellow-
worker'
and
a
'comfort'
to
him
(COl
4",
Philem
m),
and
useful
to
him
'for
ministering'
(2
Ti
4n)
—
this
was
Mark's
special
office,
not
to
be
an
original
organizer
but
a
useful
assistant
(Swete).
We
learn
that
Mark
was
contemplating
a
visit
to
Colossse,
and
perhaps
that
the
Colossians
had
hesitated
to
receive
him
(Col
4i»).
(3)
The
Pelrine
Mark.
—
St.
Peter
speaks
of
a
Mark
as
his
'son'
(1
Si>),
and
as
being
with
him
at
'Baby-lon'
when
he
wrote
the
First
Epistle.
It
is
usually
held
that
'Babylon'
means
Rome,
as
there
seems
not
to
have
been
a
Jewish
colony
in
the
real
Babylon
at
the
time,
and
as
all
ecclesiastical
tradition
connects
St.
Peter's
work
with
Rome.
If
this
be
so,
we
may
safely
identify
all
the
three
Marks
as
one
person.
[If
not,
the
Petrine
Mark
is
probably
not
the
same
as
the
Pauline.)
The
identification
is
made
more
Ukely
by
the
fact
that
John
Mark
is
connected
with
both
Peter
and
Paul
in
Acts;
and
if
5''
refers
to
Rome,
there
is
no
reason
why
this
double
connexion
should
not
have
continued
as
long
as
both
Apostles
lived.
And
if,
as
is
not
impossible,
St.
Peter
survived
St.
Paul
for
some
time,
we
can
well
understand
that
Mark
devoted
himself
exclusively
to
the
former
after
the
death
of
the
latter,
and
that
in
this
way
the
ecclesiastical
tradition
(see
next
art.),
which
almost
unanimously
attaches
him
to
Peter,
grew
up.
By
that
tradition
Mark's
activity
is
associated
both
with
Rome
and
with
Alexandria;
and
the
Egyptian
Church
assigns
its
principal
liturgy
to
his
name.
But
the
early
Alex-andrian
Fathers,
Clement
and
Origen,
are
silent
as
to
Mark's
residence
in
Egypt.
The
Acts
of
Mark
(5th
cent.?)
makes
him
a
martyr.
A.
J.
Maclean.
TO.—
1.
External
testimony.
—
It
is
possible
that
the
first
reference
to
Mk.
is
the
preface
to
Lk.
(l'-<),
which
impUes
that
the
narratives
spoken
of
were,
in
St.
Luke's
opinion,
incom-plete
and
not
in
the
best
order.
Mk.
is
certainly
in-complete
from
the
point
of
view
of
one
who
wished
to
begin
'
from
the
beginning.'
From
internal
evidence
it
is
probable
that
St.
LukeusedMk.
(see§§3-5).
Papias
(quoted
by
Eusebius,
iii.
39)
gives
the
following