—
See
Canan^an,
Messiah
(p.
610»
f.),
^F
'P^
1.
2.
Two
Benjamites
(1
Ch
S"-
").
3.
One
of
those
who
joined
David
at
Ziklag
(1
Ch
12').
4.
One
of
David's
officers
Ch
27').
5.
An
exile
who
returned
with
Ezra's
second
caravan
(Ezr
8»);
called
In
Es
83*
Zarias.
6.
priest
who
had
married
a
foreign
wife
(Ezr
lO^");
called
in
Es
92'
Zabdeus.
7.
Korahite
(1
Ch
26^).
8.
Oneof
the
Levites
sent
by
Jehoshaphat
to
teach
in
the
cities
of
Judah
(2
Ch
IT*).
9.
An
officer
of
king
Jehoshaphat
(2
Ch
19").
('victim').
—
Midianite
king,
mentioned
together
with
Zalmunna,
who
was
killed
by
Gideon
as
the
result
of
blood-revenge
(Jg
S^'-'^);
both
kings
had,
however,
been
previously
overcome
in
battle
by
Gideon,
who
championed
the
Israelites
against
their
Midianite
oppressors.
This
victory
must
have
been
of
vital
and
far-reaching
consequence
to
the
Israelites,
for
it
is
more
than
once
commemorated
long
after
as
a
landmark
in
the
nation's
history
(Is
9«
102=,
ps
gS").
The
death
of
Zebah
and
Zalmunna
is
very
graphically
described.
Gideon
commands
Jether,
his
eldest
son,
to
slay
them,
but
being
only
a
youth
he
is
afraid;
so
the
kings
ask
Gideon
himself
to
kill
them;
he
does
so,
and
takes
the
crescents
from
the
necks
of
their
camels.
This
last
action
may
conceivably
imply
a
kindly
remembrance
of
the
kings
on
the
part
of
Gideon,
for
from
8"
it
would
seem
that
it
was
only
reluctantly,
and
from
a
sense
of
duty,
that
he
slew
them.
W.
O.
E.
Oesterley.
—
Father
of
James
and
John,
husband
of
Salome;
a
comparatively
rich
fisherman,
for
he
had
'hired
servants'
(see
e.g.
Mk
l^"
1S'»;
cf.
Mt
27»).
A.
J.
Maclean.
(Kethlbh
and
or
(.Keri
and
AV).—
The
mother
of
Jehoiakim
(2
23»).
—
One
of
the
sons
of
Nebo
who
had
married
a
foreign
wife
(Ezr
10").
One
of
the
five
cities
of
the
Plain
(Gn
10",
142-
8,
Dt
29»
W,
Hos
and
here
Zeboim]).
The
site
has
not
been
identified.
See,
further,
Plaik
[Cities
op
the].
—
1.
'The
ravine
of
ZebO'im'
('ravine
of
the
hyaenas')
is
named
in
13''
in
describing
the
route
followed
by
one
of
the
bands
of
Philistine
ma-rauders.
It
is
prob.
the
WSdy
el-Kelt
or
one
of
its
branches.
The
name
abu
Daba
('hyaena
gorge')
is
still
applied
to
a
ravine
in
this
neighbourhood.
The
same
locality
appears
to
be
referred
to
in
the
Zeboim
of
Neh
11".
2.
Hos
11'.
See
Zeboiim.
—
See
Zebidah.
—
lieutenant
of
Abimelech
(wh.
see),
who
was
left
by
him
as
governor
of
Shechem.
He
cleverly
assisted
his
master
in
suppressing
the
revolt
of
Gaal
(Jg
92»-«).
The
episode
is
obscure,
but
he
apparently
acted
loyally
from
the
first;
having
no
force
at
his
com-mand,
he
was
obliged
to
use
craft.
This
is
clear,
if
vv.«*-belong
to
a
different
narrative.
C.
W.
Emmet.
—
According
to
tradition,
Zebulun
was
the
tenth
son
of
Jacob,
and
the
sixth
of
Leah
(Gn
30™
E).
The
original
form
of
the
name
is
uncertain,
there
being
some
evidence
in
favour
of
Zebulon,
and
even
Zebul.
The
meaning
of
the
name
is
likewise
doubtful.
Gn
30^"
presents
a
double
explanation.
One
of
these
(apparently
E'a)
connects
it
with
the
verb
zabad
'to
endow';
the
other
(J's)
derives
it
from
zdbal
'
to
dwell,'
—
because
Leah
said,
'Now
will
my
husband
dwell
with
me'
(so
and
following
the
Vulg.
habitabit).
The
Assyr.
meaning
of
zdbalu,
however,
'carry,'
'exalt,'
affords
a
more
suitable
rendering
for
this
isolated
use
of
the
Hebrew
verb,
for
the
remarlt,
'Now
will
my
husband
dwell
with
me,'
appears
rather
gratuitous
and
pointless
after
she
had
borne
him
six
sons.
The
phrase
beth
zebul,
8'^,
moreover,
implies
a
connotation
of
zbl
different
from
that
of
'
dwell,
for
the
context
immediately
defines
its
purpose
as
a
'
place
for
thee
to
dwell
in.'
Zehm
is
here
used
of
the
dwelling
of
God,
elsewhere
of
the
sun
and
moon,
and,
therefore,
probably
designated
ori^nally,
in
harmony
with
the
Assyrian,
a
lofty
abode,
a
beth-har,
or
mountain
sanctuary,
such
as
is
referred
to
in
Dt
33">
as
being
in
the
territory
of
Zebulun
and
lasachar.
It
so,
the
name
Zebulun,
while
etymologically
related
to
zbl,
is
rather
of
geographical
import
m
its
historic
application
to
the
tribe.
According
to
Gn
46",
Zebulun
is
the
progenitor
of
three
tribal
families
through
his
three
sons
Sered,
Elon,
and
Jahleel,
who
went
down
into
Egypt
with
the
other
sons
and
grandsons
of
Jacob.
The
first
and
last
of
these
names
are
notably
like
the
town
names
Sarid
and
Nahalal,
which
were
allotted
to
Zebulun
according
to
Jos
19""-.
There
is
no
name
corresponding
to
Elon
in
this
passage,
but
the
names
of
seven
of
the
twelve
cities
spoken
of
have
been
lost.
At
the
time
of
the
Sinai
census
the
male
Zebulunites
from
years
old
and
upwards
numbered
57,400,
and
their
lot
on
the
march
was
cast
on
the
east
of
the
Taber-nacle,
with
Judah
and
Issachar
(Nu
is"-
P).
All
of
these,
as
in
the
case
of
the
men
of
the
other
tribes,
died
before
the
next
census
in
the
plains
of
Moab,
where,
nevertheless,
the
total
reached
60,500
(Nu
26"-
"
P).
The
boundary
line
marked
off
by
lot
in
Jos
ig'"-"
gives
only
the
southern
and
eastern
borders,
and
is
difficult
to
follow.
Starting
on
the
south
with
Sarid
(.Tell
Shadudl),
about
five
miles
S.W.
of
Nazareth,
it
reached
Jokneam,
eight
miles
due
W.,
on
the
farther
side
of
the
plain
of
Esdraelon.
It
extended
about
the
same
distance
eastwards,
reaching,
at
the
west
of
Mt.
Tabor,
Daberath
(which,
however,
in
21*'
fell
to
Issachar),
and
then,
if
the
text
and
identifications
are
correct,
which
is
improbable,
turned
sharply
west
again
to
Japhia.
Thence
it
continued
in
a
north-easterly
direction,
passing
Gath-hepher
and
Rimmon,
and
across
the
plain
until
it
reached
Hannathon,
known
to
Baby-lonians,
c.
B.C.
1400,
as
Hinnaiuni,
which
at
that
time
was
held
by
Amen-hotep.
The
remaining
statement,
'
and
the
goings
out
thereof
were
at
the
valley
of
Iph-tael,'
would
indicate
that
the
line
turned
at
Hannathon
in
a
south-westerly
direction,
perhaps
towards
Jefai,
There
would
thus
be
no
distinctly
northern
border,
but
only
a
north-western.
The
western
is
left
undefined;
but
as
Asher
is
made
to
reach
to
Carmel,
and
its
S.E.
point
to
join
Zebulun
at
the
valley
of
Iphtah-el
(vv.^o-
"),
there
is
no
room
left
for
the
access
of
Zebulun
to
the
sea.
Jacob's
Song,
however,
uses
the
same
expression
(Gn
49")
as
is
used
of
Asher
in
Jg
5",
and
apparently
extends
the
border
to
Sidon.
In
the
'Blessing
of
Moses'
it
is
said
that
'
Zebulun
and
Issachar
shall
suck
the
abundance
of
the
seas'
(Dt
33").
This,
as
is
clear
from
the
in-clusion
of
Issachar,
implies
only
that
their
position
will
be
such
as
to
enable
them
to
obtain
the
mercantile
and
other
advantages
of
the
sea
traffic.
The
delimitations
of
the
tribal
boundaries
in
Joshua
are
very
indefinite,
and
often
in
conflict
with
one
another
and
with
other
data.
Of
the
five
cities
mentioned
in
19'5
Bethlehem
is
the
only
one
whose
site
is
identified
with
certainty.
The
modem
Ma'lul
may
represent
Nahalal,
one
of
the
four
cities
which,
according
to
Jos
21'"-
(P),
was
given
by
the
Zebulunites
to
the
sons
of
Merari
(Levites).
Roughly
speaking,
Zebulun
lay
to
the
N.E.
of
Carmel,
between
Issachar
on
the
S.E.
and
Asher
on
the
N.W.
Zebulun
shared
in
the
natural
richness
and
fertility
of
the
rest
of
Galilee,
and
the
great
'way
of
the
sea'
(the
via
maris
of
the
Crusaders)
which
ran
through
its
territory,
and
from
Acco
to
Damascus,
brought
it
into
touch
with
the
outer
world
and
its
products.
In
the
war
against
Jabin
10,000
men
of
Zebulun
and
Naphtali
went
with
Barak
against
Sisera,
and
in
the
battle,
whose
issues
were
of
decisive
importance
to
the
tribes
of
Israel,
they
immortalized
themselves
by
their
bravery
(Jg
4"').
They,
like
the
other
tribes,
failed,
however,
to
drive
out
the
Canaanites
from
some
of
their
city
strongholds.
One
of
the
minor
'judges'
came
from
this
tribe,
viz.
Elon,
who
headed
the
tribes
in
the
anarchic
and
troublous
time
preceding
the
kingdom
(Jg
12").
In
later
history,
Zebulun,
like
the